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„i love you cheryl." toni repeated herself pulling back from the kiss, she was so happy. the sparkle in her eyes was noticeable and she  looked straight in her now girlfriends brown eyes infront of her,

„i love you too, TT." cheryl whispered hugging her.

Toni hid her head in the crock of her neck letting the rain fall on them until she felt Cheryl start shaking.

Toni pulled back and gave Cheryl her hoodie to wear, „thanks babe." she cutely whispered and Toni smiled softly.


„Huh?" Cheryl looked up putting on the hoodie.

„Repeat yourself." toni bit her lip smiling.

„Thanks babe?" Cheryl asked confused and put her hands in the big sweater pockets.

„Gosh." Toni smirked and pulled Cheryl with her to the car again.

„Can you please stop with the pulling? You just grab my hand and start running!" Cheryl laughed while running behind Toni.


As they reached the car both of them got in driving to the hotel again. Toni parked her car and opened the door for Cheryl.

They walked into the building and met Veronica and the others in the lounge standing up arm crossed.

„Will you two fucking tell me where you've been? We waited." Veronica asked.

Cheryl thinned her lips, „and why are you two all wet?"

„I made her mine again!" toni announced and grabbed Cheryl waist from the side to hold her near.

„What??" Veronica smiled surprised, „congratulations!" she added and went to hug both of them.

„This time, stay together you horny assholes."

„Congratulations as well from me!" David smiled, „yep from me as well. I shipped you two since the start." leroy laughed.

„By the way I won bro, give me 50$ now."

„Ugh!" David groaned and handed leroy 50$.

Toni shook her head smiling, she was so happy again. She felt all the warmth holding Cheryl from the side with her head leaning against her shoulder.

„Im going to get Cheryl warm now. She's frozen cold." Toni thinned lips looking a her girlfriend.

„Yeah okay." Veronica chuckled, „have fun."

Toni laughed and walked with Cheryl to her hotel room.

„Take a shower." toni Said.

„uh-huh." Cheryl nodded and went into the bathroom.

In the time, Toni cleaned up a bit.
She made her bed and but a few clothes away. Then she checked her E-Mails answering a few work things.

Cheryl forgot her clothes, „fuck." she whispered overwhelmed.

She just put her towel around her body and went out of the bathroom.

„I forgot my clothes."

„You silly." Toni chuckled walking into the kitchen to get herself water.

Back in the bedroom she came in seeing cheryl changing, only in her underwear.

She rose her eyes smiling and walked to her from behind.

„You look gorgeous my love." she whispered im her ear and softly went with her hands around Cheryl's waist hugging her.

„You think so?"

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