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"may i present my daughter to you, toni topaz." he smiled.

Cheryl gasped quietly. Looking straight at her ex-girlfriend for minutes who seemed shocked as well.

"Is something wrong?" Noah asked them both.

Out of thoughts Toni shook her head and blinked a few times, "no." She said when she was going forward to the blossom girl.

"Topaz." She held out her hand.

Cheryl rose her eyebrows, "blossom?" She said seemingly confused but also, holding out her hand.

"May I lead you both to the team office room? I have to make a statement. Everyone is strictly needed." The boss seriously said.

Toni slowly, still confused... Turned around looking at her dad.

Nodding she walked back to him, feeling Cheryl's steps behind her.

All three of them walked in a room full of people sitting on a big table quietly talking.

"Hello everyone, I want to give a speech."  Noah topaz said loud and everybody immediately went quiet, having their heads up in their directions.

Even Minerva sat there.

Next to her were two seats free, of course Cheryl and Toni still needed a seat.

Without choice Cheryl and Toni sat down.

Cheryl next to Minerva and Toni, Toni next to Cheryl and Nora.

"After a Long time I saw my dear daughter Antoinette topaz again." He started and everyone applauded. Except Cheryl.

"She was born for this job, and I always wanted her to work here. She left for college and after years, she came back."

Toni's eyes always had a quick look to Cheryl next to her, wondering what she's doing here. She wouldn't be here without reason. She thought.

Hands on her own tights she got Nervous, clapping with her shoes on the ground for a few.

Seconds became minutes and Noah didn't stop talking, which actually really annoyed her.

Every sentence, the same stuff In other words.

She Inconspicuously leaned to Cheryl left ear,

"In my office. Right after this conversation. Clear?" She quietly whispered leaning back.

Cheryl didn't move. Not a bit. She sat there like a stone on the beach ground.

"I want my daughter to finally be the boss over the industry. She will make the rules. If you don't listen to her, she will kick you out as easy as I would the last years." He said, "She is as powerful as me, if not even more powerful." He said.

"Toni please come up here."

In a lot of applause, Toni stood walking up to her dad, having all eyes on her, yes. Including The redhead eyes.

She stood up there smiling. Cheryl noticed the quick looks in her direction.

Uncomfortable embarrassed, she wanted to look down. But that probably would look negative, which isn't the point but wanting to start something new WITH someone new was a whole ass step for the future.

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