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Hi😃 sorry that I didn't update for „long"? A month 💀😭 But I started 2 new books that time🥲

3rd Person pov:


Cheryl woke up with a headache looking to her right to see Toni sleeping.

She slowly stood up and walked in her best friends room.

„V?" she whispered,


„V! Wake uppp."

„Huh? What?" she finally answered blinking.

"Cheryl Hii. How are you feeling? What about-"

"I'm good v, just wanted to annoy you." Cheryl laughed and left again.

"BITCH!" She heard Veronica yelling after her.

• •

Back in her room she laid in bed and tried to sleep again.

„Cheryl?" Toni yawned in her sleepy voice, „you awake?" she whispered sitting up, softly grabbing Cheryl's cheeks with her hands.

She opened her eyes again, looking straight into the brunettes eyes,

„Yeah." she answered.

Toni hugged her and snuggled her face into Cheryl neck.

Cheryl laughed.

„Clingy huh."

„You could die. Never do that again." she commented,

„You could die either?"

„But you are more important." she whispered while smiling.

„I have a concert tomorrow."

„I know. Do you think you can go like this?" Toni asked and sat up. She knew Cheryl's head hurts, the wound isn't thaaat deep, but it made a good headache.

„I have to." she groaned.

„Don't groan."

Cheryl confusingly looked at her and needed a few seconds to get what she meant, but then it hit her,

„Never." she smirked and pulled Toni down for cuddles again. This time, with Toni's head on her boobs.

Cheryl knew exactly what she was doing and Toni was the... Uhm. The victim.

„Why do you have to go?" Toni asked desperately.

„It's a tour. I don't want to cancel it. I love singing."

„I just realized your boobs got bigger." Said Toni and looked up at her, seeing Cheryl Raising her eyebrows „whaaaat? I'm just being honest!" She added and looked down again.

„Pervert." the redhead queen answered but smiled like an idiot and blushed like a tomato.

„How can you remember my boob size in college? We never had sex." she added looking at the wall in her thoughts.

„We had a thing tho." the brunette smiled at the memories, „at least sometimes." she chuckled.

„Nah, I cupped your boobs once. Plus I washed your dirty clothes and saw your bras. So not hard to know."


„Only for you." Toni whispered in her sleepy voice while letting her head sink in her lovers boobs

"I know your dick size. And saw your dick. I won." She smirked while playing with topaz hair.

"You won yea."

„Good night TT." Cheryl whispered and started scratching Toni's head.

• •


Cheryl woke up with Toni's head still on her boobs.

She heard her small snores and loud breaths... Cheryl loved sleeping Toni.

Knock knock*

"It's open!" Cheryl whisper yelled and Veronica slowly came in,

"Oh my-" she gasped, "are you two a thing?"

"I don't know V..." she breathed out, "but my butterflies never died for her... I would prefer yes. Of course. I'm trying to make it to "a thing" but it's uh difficult since I'm a singer." She whispered looking down to her lover.

"It's only hard if you want it to be."

"Maybe your right..."

"I am." She whispered, "how are you feeling?"

"Good I guess." Cheryl answered smiling.

Veronica hummed.

"Just Kiss her." The raven girl teased

Cheryl gulped, "we already kissed."

"GOSH!" She accidentally said out loud.

Toni's eyes shot open.

"Huh?" She asked shocked, "what happened?"

"Sorry." Veronica said quietly and left the room, so it looked like it wasn't her fault.

Toni blinked a few times and looked up.

„What happened?" she asked and lifted her head.

„Veronica was being Veronica." Cheryl chuckled sitting up.

• •

She missed Toni, so much. She would do anything to spend the college time with her... Something she regrets the most. Leaving without anything. At least she could give Toni her number... She knew Toni would accept her dreams. She just wanna be in college again and live her teenage life with her love.

But it's over.

She knew there wouldn't be college ever again. She knew and couldn't do anything against it.

She is the reason they couldn't be together years ago.

She is.

Toni on the other hand was unsure about her steps. Does she do the right thing? Chilling with the love of her life even tho loving broke her? Every time she looked at Cheryl she saw the happiness. She saw the glow. And her own eyes looked the same. She is happy to be with Cheryl, yes. But just forgetting all the pain she had?

A part of her loves Cheryl, another part is already done with her. How could she handle her feelings?

She wasn't even in new-York to see her. She was there to built her own life. And sleeping in her bed. Not in a tour bus.

What now??

To be continued..

Sorry bros for a kind of short af chapter BUT I do not really have time or ideas for the book I just updated for chonisnaylor 💀 SHE FORCED ME TO!

anyways, sorry but school Is fcking my time rn and my parents broke up lol, means I'm in a new apartment now and here's also work to do 🤷‍♀️ love you byeee❤️

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