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-new York// industry NEAET
2 weeks later (YOU ALL ASKED FOR THAT)

"Minerva, yes?" Toni asked turning around.

"Stay away from Cheryl, please."

„What?" Toni laughed.

„Not like that, it's just she- just told me you're her ex-girlfriend... And you always go near her. Not that It's bad but you're going like, near near. You know?" she whispered.

„That's ridiculous." she chuckled, „I'm her boss."

„And her ex." Minerva looked at her.

„And I'm your boss." Toni crossed her arms looking at her confused.

„Don't tell me what to do." she winked walking away.

It's closing time and Minerva aggravating walked to her car and drove off.

Cheryl already waited on her front door, for Minerva to arrive.

"BABYYY!!" She squeezed running to Minerva as she parked in and opened her car door.

Cheryl greeted her with a kiss and a hug.

"Hey babe, how was your day off?" She chuckled getting out of car.

"Boring. I watched Netflix." She said as they walked inside.

„Haha okay, sorry I had to work."

„It's not your fault tho." Cheryl laughed.

„It's Toni's." Minerva exhaled.

Cheryl rose her eyebrow's, „what do mean?"

„She doesn't like us. She's against us."

„I don't really think so..." Cheryl whispered looking away.

„Can't you see it? The way she looks at you when you're looking away. It's just- never mind..."

Cheryl thinned her lips.

„She doesn't look at me."

„Obviously you can't see it. Because You're looking away duh?" Minerva said slamming the front door.

Cheryl flinched sightly.

„Yeah I know. Still tho. She's not against us."

Minerva chuckled playfully.

„You're annoying sometimes."


"You're annoying, Cheryl. You are annoying. Too dumb to get something, gosh."

„I shouldn't choose you." Cheryl said with tears in eyes.

„You did. Now you're having me and I love you. You know that. But you're just-"

„Leave my house."


„Leave Minerva, I wanna have space for a few. Please?"

„Yes okay... I love you." Minerva said stepping forward to give Cheryl a kiss, but she only stepped back.

Minerva took the hint and just walked off and drove home.

• •
6.10 NEAET

„Toni." Cheryl asked for her when she saw Toni walking Past her.

Toni groaned sightly, „whaaaat?" she asked turning around.

In the same time Minerva came from the opposite direction Cheryl.

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