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Toni's pov:

Cheryl and I are on the beach right now.
I saw her running out of the water to me so I immediately sprung up from my towel and ran into the other direction.

„NOOOOO!" I screamed.

„Give me a hug!!"

I stopped running and obviously felt a nasty small redhead jumping on me, what made me fall on the ground.

„Gosh, I hate you."

She looked up at me, „you know, you love me." she said winking at me.

That's when everything kind of exploded.

A Thousand of flashes hit us, and we saw a lot of camera guys behind us.

"Wow, we have stalkers." Cheryl whispered giggling at all the paparazzi guys.

I laughed along with her, "Famous?" I asked acting shocked.

We stood up laughing.

"Ms. Blossom, How are you doing?"
"Will you start singing again?"
"Are you working at NEAET now?"
"Is Toni your girlfriend?"

Everyone literally yelled questions at us and that's when fans came running up.

„OMG CHERYL!" a girl screamed.


I couldn't resist but start coughing from laughing, it was so random.

„Hi!" I tried to say.

I calmed down.

I did...

„Please please please can we take a picture?" They asked and Cheryl agreed laughing.

All three of us took a picture together seeing the paparazzi still flashing their camera flashes at us.

After we were done with the kids and photos we fast put our stuff together and ran to my car.

I jumped in and so did Cheryl.

"This was so funny!" I grinned, and she rolled her eyes at me laughing.

"Drive!!" Cheryl yelled while every guy from the paparazzi ran after us.

"Why did they come now?" I asked while driving away.

"I don't know, everything was so random!"

• •

I was downstairs in the living room watching Netflix.
Cheryl didn't show up here for a while, so I walked around the house into the kitchen.

Surprisingly, I found Cheryl cooking, so I walked over her running my hands over her ass meanwhile.

„Did you just run your hands over my ass?" she asks chuckling lightly.

„Absolutely." I answered grinning.


„It was on my way." I answered shrugging.

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