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Cheryl's pov:

I woke up in Toni's arms spooning me. I smiled and looked up at her, she was already awake and looked at me.

„Did you watched me the whole time?" I said in my soft morning voice.

„I did, yes." she answered in her Raspy voice.

„How did you sleep?" she said, and a smirk played on her lips.

I playfully rolled my eyes at Her or of reason that she knows my answer.

Knock knock*

„Yeah?" I said.

Veronica opened the door with a cold experience on her face,

„Guys. There's a problem. A big one." she said seriously and pulled her eyebrows up.

„What? I thought we're driving." Toni chuckled.

„The drivers break is right now. But there are to guests waiting for you both."

„What?" me and Toni did at the same time with and confusing experience on our faces.

Veronica gave me a warning look and I immediately got scared. How's waiting? And why?

Toni and I stood up still in our pajamas and Veronica grabbed my hand. She squeezed it and let go of my hand again. Then she opened the bus doors and everything I wanted to do is just turning around and leave again.

I saw Heather. And some brown haired girl.

„Heather?" I said emotionless and crossed my arms.

„Ashley?" Toni said shocked.

„Hi Toni." Heather said with a fake smile on her lips.

„Guess who I had in bed the time you were gone." she said, and her smile turned into a smirk.

"I don't care about you. Blondie. Toni tf are you doing here? We just fucked and you never wrote me." Ashley said.

Veronica's pov:

Embarrassing to stand here like that and just watching. But Toni fucked?

By the way Cheryl and Heather already fucked now. Like 1/5 years ago, and they were drunk. Cheryl ofc regret it but Heather. Ohhhh Heather does not. She tries to get fame cause Cheryl's a singer and good she's so into Cheryl. I'm low-key scared about her health after Toni will find out that. Toni does definitely not care about that Ashley but about Heather. Her eyes are fixed in her, I can literally see the danger and angry look in her face.

"Heather you what?" Toni said pressing her teeth.

"Oh I'll repeat."

"Heather stop." Cheryl warned.

„I had Cheryl in my bed. Naked. God, I heard her screaming and at the end, she wanted me to stop. But I didn't." she smirked.

„I saw her legs shaking and tears rolling down her cheeks." she chuckled and the next thing I saw is Toni's hand in heathers face.

„TONI!" Cheryl yelled and tried to hold her back.

I grabbed Cheryl's arm and pulled her back.

„Don't. You know Toni."

„Wait Cheryl, can I borrow her to fuck? She's actually good af." Ashley asked.

I can't let Cheryl fight. Cheryl is a small little shit without muscles which isn't a problem normally but right now it is. I stepped out of the bus and slapped Ashley right into the face which she gratefully returned.

After a few minutes fighting I heard a loud scream.

I pulled back to look at first at a fucked up Ashley, then to my left to see Cheryl bleeding on the ground.

„Run Ashley." I said, and she ran. Like RAN.

„Toni stop. Cheryl is bleeding." I yelled but she didn't stop. She didn't even hear anything.

I ran over to Cheryl and put her head on my knees.

„Cheryl wake up!" I yelled and checked her pulse.

She's breathing.

„TONI STOP!" I yelled now and that's when she looked up at me. Her eyes landed on Cheryl, and then she fucked up Heather in one second.

„Baby..." she whispered and took Cheryl in her arms.

„Heather Tell anyone and I'll fuck your life. You know I will. Even if I'm going to prison then." Toni said and Heather nodded and tried to run away.

„Get me the Association!" she said and got into the bus with Cheryl.

„Baby wake up." she whispered.

Then she opened her eyes slowly.

Toni smiled, and I handed her the Association which she carefully put around Cheryl's head wound.

„How are you feeling?" she whispered and Cheryl smiled weakly.

„I'm okay. Really" she said tiredly.

„Here drink water." I said and handed her a bottle.

„Thanks." Cheryl whispered and drank the water. She slowly stood up and looked into tonis eyes. This is when she just passed out again.

Toni hold her in the right moment and picked her up again.

Toni's pov:

„Got you cher, got you."

„Ambulance?" Veronica asked and I shook my head.

„Bring me a wet cold towel please." I said and Veronica ran through the trailer to give me one.

As I looked down in my arm again I saw Cheryl, I'm glad that my father showed me to do that. Otherwise, I would probably call 911 which isn't the thing we need to do. She does not have anything serious, just a small head wound, and she didn't eat enough. I saw that at the color of her blood.

„Here." Veronica said as he gave me the towel. I nodded and laid in on Cheryl's head.

„Wait where the fuck were Julien?"

„Maybe asleep."

„Asleep? What is he here for then, they should have another manager for night. If I weren't here, what would Heather do? God, I wanna kill these bitches." I said angry as I stood up again.

„I'm going to lay her down again." I said calmed as possible.

„Okay yeah."

I walked back into her room and laid her down.

„I love you." I whispered and kissed her head. Meanwhile, I sat next to her, I scrolled through social media, again liking ship edits. I think even if she left me for years. I love her. With all my heart. When I look at her, I still get those butterflies and when she's kissing me there's still that feeling in my stomach that ill never wanna pull back again. She can see my thoughts, if I'm mad, happy or sad.

She's something I need to keep forever.

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