Please, It's Just a Simple Chaos!

509 15 36

Jevil's POV

Dimentio and Spamton had been out most of the day.
So Jevil had spent the day with Marx, basically torturing Ralsei.

"CATCH!" Jevil yelled, throwing an expensive plate Dimentio had brought in to Marx. The littler jester bounced on his brightly coloured ball, headbutting the plate back towards Jevil instead of catching it.
The devil caught it.
"Hey- Wait-" Ralsei, looking out of breath, gave Jevil a pleading look. "Dimentio won't be happy if we break anything! Jevil please- He put me in charge- Give that back!"
"It's not as funny if we give it back, dumbass." Marx said, before jumping off his ball and over to Jevil.
The ball went flying and hit Ralsei in the head. He flinched as it hit him.

They'd been messing with Ralsei for hours. Threatening to break expensive objects, ACTUALLY breaking expensive objects... Making a mess of the place.
There were shattered plates and scattered food all through the kitchen! A marvellous chaos they had caused!
"B-But Dimentio might be back soon a-and-" Ralsei stuttered for only about the 700th time.
"WHO CARES, CARES?" Jevil yelled, throwing the expensive plate at the dining room wall. Ralsei flinched again as the plate shattered.
"Yeah, it's not like Dimmy'll be back any time soon, ehee!" Marx said gleefully.

"Or is it?"
Jevil, Ralsei and Marx all spun around.
Dimentio stood in the doorway, looking unimpressed, and holding Spamton by his shirt collar. "And so I arrive, like a disappointed parent, to see my kitchen and dining room in shambles."

"It was Ralsei's fault!" Marx said immediately.
"YES, BLAME THE GOAT BOY!" Jevil added.

"B-But-" Ralsei stuttered.

Dimentio sighed. "Is there any chance that one of you will explain what actually happened in here?"

Marx and Jevil just looked at each other awkwardly.

"It's kind of complicated, but Jevil-" Ralsei started to explain, only to be cut off as Dimentio raised his hand.

"Got it, forget I asked."

He snapped his fingers, and the rooms returned completely to normal. Ralsei looked genuinely impressed, while Jevil looked in awe. Dimentio could do anything as well, it seemed!

...Whilst Marx just looked bored out of his fucking mind, and frustrated to have been interrupted.

Dimentio dropped Spamton rump-first onto the ground, pinching between his eyes. "My expectations were low, but holy fuck."
Spamton got up and rushed upstairs without a word. Marx gave Jevil a mischievous look before quickly following.
Dimentio sighed, disappearing into thin air, and Ralsei just awkwardly walked off, leaving Jevil in the room alone.
"...Welp." The devil just shrugged. "MARX WAIT UP." He jumped towards the stairs after him.

The rest of the day was quiet... And spent annoying Spamton.
Until that night...

Jevil snuck out of his and Spamton's room, slowly opening the door and going outside.
He thought it was unbelievably pretty out at night, with the stars sparkling, but that wasn't why he was out...

He found a group raccoons gathered at the garbage can, and had the bright idea to go up to them.
They just turned to him, one or two hissed, but they all went back to digging through the trash after a moment.
...What if he trained them to fight?
A raccoon army! What a splendid, chaotic idea!!

The next morning...
The third day.

Ralsei came up to Dimentio the following morning.
"Can you forbid Jevil from being allowed outside at night?"

Dimentio looked up from a book he seemed to be reading. "Why, and why do you think I can stop him anyway?"

"I caught him trying to teach raccoons to fight-"

"...Shit." Dimentio sighed. "Well, he'll get bored of it, it's not worth wasting energy worrying over."

"Oh- Okay then-" Ralsei awkwardly walked away after that.

Meanwhile upstairs...

Marx gasped suddenly. He'd been in his room, just reading comic books with Spamton.
"wHAT?" Spamton looked at him.

"What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?"

"..." Spamton inhaled.

Dimentio, downstairs, with Jevil now in the room..

"Why can I hear screeching?"

"It sounds like Marx told Spamton the secrets of the universe." Jevil said, as though that was perfectly normal.


(this was fun.)

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