Entrance to Bumbleville

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(summary: Spam swears a lot in his head/hj)

Spamton's POV

The salesman stood outside the 'Skelebones Snack Hut', waiting as Ralsei, Sorbet, the Prince of Spades, and the human, Basil, chatted for a moment before coming out with him.

He'd just wanted to come for some of the new apple pie they'd started selling. WHY did they keep following him.
He couldn't get 10 [SQUEAK] MINUTES to order a [quacking] PIE without being dragged into something with the [#$%!@#] DUMMYS he had to live with.
The dumpster was better than this.
Being constantly bothered and having any chance of success messed up.
All over again...

By the time the group had come back out, Spamton quite literally had smoke rising out of his ears.
Which Ralsei pointed out immediately, of course, as though Spamton wasn't smart enough to notice.

"You uhm- Have smoke coming out of your head..?" Was the goats exact words.

"I [[Solved the mystery, Scoob!]]!" He snapped at them.

"That uh. Means he knows." Basil translated unhelpfully.

"Are.. You okay?" Ralsei asked, as though he was actually concerned.
Like his silly group didn't just mess up the kitchen and ruin his chances at getting his pie.

"Y3S." He snapped. "C0MPLETELY [[SPECTACULAR!!]]."

Ralsei flinched as though the salesman had physically punched him.
"O-Okay then." He mumbled.

Spamton stared for a moment, before quickly looking away. He didn't want to see the expression on the fluffy ones face.
"So wh4t are w3 do1ng [[Nows'About!]]?" He asked without looking at them.
At the same moment, Sorbet yelled "o0oo00!", the usual indescribable bubble noises, and dashed past, into the fields of bright green grass and weird sounds behind the hut.

"Looks like they want to explore Music Meadows.." Basil observed.

"I want to, too!" Lancer announced, before jumping and running after them.

"What's.. Music Meadows?" Ralsei asked him, looking towards the fields of grass and giant flowers with a curious expression.

"Another section of the Web Dimension." Basil explained. He went still for a moment, as though thinking.

"Web [[Dimensional Force]]?" Spamton narrowed his eyes at the human. What a bizarre name. You might as well call it the 'Hive' dimension, since idiots flock to it like bees.

"That's what this world is called." Basil shrugged. "Because it sticks us here like a spider web. I don't uh- Really know who came up with it."

"And Music Meadows?" Ralsei pressed, shooting a concerned look in the direction Sorbet and Lancer had dissapeared in.

"Oh right-" Basil looked momentarily nervous. "The dimension is made up of sections, Music Meadows is one of them. Filled with giant flowers and insects- And uh- The music playing is unique to uh-" He cut off, seeming to realise Spamton was glaring daggers at him.
"The music playing is unique to everyone-" Basil finished in a rush, readjusting the little pink flower in his hair quickly.

"Oh!" Ralsei exclaimed. "I hear a lullaby! What do you hear, Basil?"

Basil appeared to be doing his best to avoid listening to the sounds from the meadow. "It- It's uhm-" The flower boy's face darkened, and Spamton's immediate thought was 'What the hell happened to this kid?'

"It's nothing interesting." Basil said finally, forming a very forced looking smile. "Just- u-uhm- Classical music, or something.."

Ralsei looked extremely concerned, but didn't try to push the question.
Instead, he suggested, "Why don't we go find where Sorbet and Lancer ran off to-?"

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