Marketplace Mayhem

459 13 23

(Chapter includes mentions of blood)

Jevil's POV

The following morning, Jevil and Marx had just carried on about their day as usual. Get up, have breakfast, terrorise Spamton, the normal stuff.
They'd talked a little about the previous night, wondering whether the sentient cookie would actually take them to the market, or if Dimentio would even let them leave.

They then decided they could just disobey Dimentio anyways, and were just hoping it would happen.

They'd been waiting for hours.
Then suddenly, at what was about nine in the morning, there was a knock at the door.
"I'LL GET, GET IT!" Jevil yelled, rushing past Dimentio as they made their way to the door.
The magician just tilted his head. "Did you invite someone over?"
"NOPE. EXPECTING SOMEONE ANYWAY, NOW GO AWAY." Jevil just shouted before opening the door.
Marx rushed down from upstairs, just as it swung open to reveal Devil Cookie and a golden-yellow angel looking creature with fluffy hair, like Devil Cookie's exact opposite.
"Who-" Dimentio started to ask, before being immediately interrupted by Marx.
"Wait you actually came! Are we actually going then?" The littlest jester was basically jumping up and down in excitement.
"Well duh!" Devil Cookie laughed. "What else do I have to do today?"
The golden angel-looking one gave the jester trio a nervous look. "We're not getting up to any mischief.. Just going out."
"This one looks like a killjoy." Marx complained. "Who is this?"

"Angel Cookie." The angel said simply, giving a small, polite bow. "And you all might be?"
"JEVIL!" Jevil yelled, pointing at himself. "THAT'S MARX." He pointed to the littler one.
"And who's-" Angel Cookie looked up at Dimentio, who was now floating above the group with his hands crossed.
"Dimentio, charming magician." He introduced himself. "Now what exactly is going on here?"
"NOTHING-" Jevil yelled, at the same time Devil Cookie said. "We're gonna wreak havoc at the marketplace!"
Jevil gave Devil Cookie an annoyed look, before turning to Dimentio, expecting him to forbid them from going or something.
Instead, the magician just looked pleased. "Oh, not without me you aren't. I haven't caused havoc in a while."
Jevil and Marx exchanged a surprised look, before Jevil just shrugged. "Well, whatever, let's go, go then!"

"Meheh! Yeah come on already!" Flapping his little bat wings, Devil Cookie started hovering just above the ground, zipping towards the road. Jevil and Marx sped after him, with Dimentio and Angel Cookie following more slowly.
They walked alongside the dirt road for about twenty minutes, before what was assumingly the marketplace came into view over a small hill.
It was a mess of stalls with brightly coloured fabric covers, tents, and other basic temporary-looking structures. There were barrels and hay bales everywhere, and each stand seemed to be selling something unique. What made the place most interesting, tho, was the variety of beings wandering around. There were walking, oversized toys, more cookie people, sentient inanimate objects, regular Lightners, monsters and animals walking on two legs, and more!
To Jevil, none of them looked free.
If he wanted, he thought he could count the strings!
Maybe he could even-
"Here we are!" Devil Cookie announced, interrupting his thoughts.
"This looks so cool!" Marx exclaimed. "Doesn't it look so cool?"
"It does indeed." Dimentio said with a nod. "Now if you excuse me, I'd like to look around."
With that, the magician snapped his fingers and disappeared.
"Eheh! So what're we doing first?" Devil Cookie looked to them.

"I'm err- Going to go find Mango-" Angel Cookie said before just slowly walking off, not seeming to want anything to do with this situation.

"You're asking us what to do?" Marx tilted his head.
"Well yeah, you two seem like you'd know how to pull a prank." Devil Cookie nodded, looking excited.
Marx and Jevil looked to eachother, and a mischievous grin spread across Jevil's face. "Oh, I can think of a few things, things we could do.." Jevil chuckled. Marx nodded, grinning as well now.

"Okay so, what?"

Jevil chuckled a little, looking up and around quickly. He spotted a popular looking stand that seemed to be selling colourful flags.

Devil Cookie followed his gaze. "Okay what are you going to-" Jevil interrupted him quite quickly.

"CHAOS, CHAOS!" The jester shouted, summoning his scythe, Devilsknife, into his hands.
"EEEEHEE!" Marx just screeched, jumping after him.
The crowd around the stand quickly scattered as they spotted the pair running at them with a weapon.
As soon as everyone was out of the way, Jevil jumped up and struck Devilsknife through the centre of the stand.
Things passed in a blur.
The stand collapsed down the middle, flags and other items for sale flying everywhere.
Unknowingly, the little devil jester even got one tied around his hat..
The people around screamed and ran, dropping their belongings and some of them even tripping over each other.
Jevil laughed, shouting. "MY HEARTS GO OUT TO ALL YOU SINNERS!!" Before summoning some of his heart projectiles and shooting them at other stands.
More stuff went flying, more people screamed.
Screams of pain and people shouting curses at him were music to his ears.
He just laughed, enjoying the sounds.
What chaos, chaos he'd caused, so quickly!

"Jevil-" Marx came up beside the devil jester, who was now levitating in the air a little with his scythe still in his hands.
Jevil looked to his friend, who shook off some flags that had fallen onto him.
"You uh- I think you can stop now-"
The littler jester laughed a bit.
Jevil shook his head quickly, the scythe vanishing from his hands.
All around him was simple destruction. Many of the nearby stands were in ruins, and multiple beings injured, bleeding from wounds left by his projectiles and from falling objects.
"..Oops." He just nervously laughed a little, floating onto the ground.

Devil Cookie flew over to them as soon as he'd landed. "That was AMAZING-" The cookie exclaimed.
"Mhmmm looks more.. Completely destructive to me, but y'know, still amazing." Marx said with a shrug.
"That was BETTER than a prank!" Devil Cookie laughed. "Do something like that again! I dare you!"
"Yeeeeah I think that was plenty-" Marx just stood in front of Jevil, who was now looking down at his hands and wondering what exactly he'd just done. Devil Cookie rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever, bah, I'm gonna go find Angel. Can't wait to see the look on their face when they hear about this!" The cookie whirled around and flew off.

"Uhh Jevil?" Marx kicked him gently in the leg to get his attention.
The devil jester made a "Hm-" sound, turning to look at them.
"You good?"
Jevil just nodded. "Of course, of course! ..Just wondering what happened, happened, hee hee."

"Well you caused a lot of chaos and a few of the people over there look dead." Marx nodded in the direction of a gathering crowd around a growing pool of red under one of the broken stands. "So I think we should go before they call the police on us."
"Pff-ha!" Jevil just laughed. "Sounds like a plan, let's go find Dimmy!"
Marx nodded, jumping away from the wreckage and walking a bit towards the undamaged side of the marketplace.
Jevil was about to follow, when a strangely familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Not so fast, you silly little fool."

[[the flag stand was a pride stand, by the way- jev didnt do that intentionally. was just a thing. lovely day to whomever reads this!!]]

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