Outdoor Expedition

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(Trying to give this idiot a unique way of thinking XD
also when you think about it, these lovable dummies have a pretty good house-)

Jevil's POV

When he'd woken up the next morning, he seemed to have he worst headache of his life.
He knew exactly why, he knew exactly what had happened.
He knew what he'd done.
He knew who he'd hurt.
And in his own opinion, he'd been doing a pretty awesome job at not thinking about it.
If Marx, Ralsei and Spamton (and even once, Dimentio) didn't keep giving him concerned looks, he could've forgotten it happened.

It was about 8am, he hadn't slept whatsoever that night, he didn't need or even want sleep anyway.
Joke's on you, sleep schedule! This Darkner didn't NEED rest, so there!
He absolutely did not just want to avoid nightmares about the stupid marketplace, no, that wasn't it at all. He just.. Didn't want to sleep.

He'd gotten up at 5am and just watched the sun rise from the window in the room he shared with Spamton, watched as this worlds weird purplish sky faded to a shade of yellow, (the sky in this world NEVER seemed to stay any specific colours) and looked out into the backyard.
In the section of land their house was on, there was a small area filled with trees in the yard. The fence cut it off from an actual, rather large looking forest, that looked to be filled with giant mushrooms further in.
He wondered what else was in that forest.

And then he had the bright idea, a couple of hours later, to wake Spamton to explore the forest with him.

"Are w3 even [[PERMISSIONED]] t0 g0 there?" The puppet boy asked tiredly when Jevil woke him at 9, a few hours earlier than he usually arouse.

"WHO CARES, CARES?" Jevil had said in response. "IT'LL BE FUN!"

Spamton looked like he was going to refuse and try to go back to sleep, before just sighing, assumingly realising Jevil wasn't going to let him out of this.
Or maybe he just wanted to distract Jevil from what ABSOLUTELY HAD NOT happened the past day..

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

Now, Spamton had spent the past hour packing a pair of backpacks for their outdoor expedition. The puppet had insisted they bring supplies, which Jevil thought was very unnecessary, since he couldn't die and Spamton was difficult enough to kill, but Spamton said he wouldn't go otherwise so..

Jevil still thought an hour of packing was overkill.

"Alright, [[COMIC RELIEF]]," Spamton said finally. "I th1nk I packed pl3nty"

"FINALLY, FINALLY!" Jevil jumped over to inspect what he'd put in each backpack, and immediately felt confused by what he'd put in.
(Neither of them even NEEDED to drink)
a fair few snacks,
(Jevil loves snacks, but they didn't need to eat either)
matches, blankets, some books, rope, a flashlight, for some reason more matches, even more matches, (what's with him and matches?) absolutely nothing either of them needed. Nothing that should have taken a full hour to pack, either.
"What's all this, this even for-" Jevil said in a puzzled tone, looking up at them.
"Y0u never kn0w." Spamton replied with a shrug. "We m1ght need all of 1t, or n0ne of 1t."

"Since when were you one to plan ahead?" Jevil asked. "You seem like the type who's more likely to hide in the nearest shed."

"I-" Spamton just gave him an irritated look. "Since w3 got dr4gged int0 a strange w0rld, you [[HYPERLINK BLOCKED]]."


"SHUT UP YOU [[Funny mother]]!" Spamton shouted, which only made the jester laugh more.

Spamton sighed. "Can we just g3t 0n our [[Merry Way]] alre4dy?"

"YES, YES, LET'S GO!" Jevil reached for and grabbed the purple and black backpack that belonged to him, while Spamton grabbed the white and black one.

The jester cheerily lead the way out of their room, down the stairs, and through a glass door at the back of the house onto the little wooden patio.
No one came to question them, since everyone else seemed to be asleep.
He silently noted as they went out that they had a pool, (which he somehow hadn't noticed) as he grabbed Spamton's arm and dragged his salesman friend towards the small stretch of trees on their property.

Jevil pulled him into the small patch of trees. He didn't know a lot about trees, so he couldn't identify what kind they were, but they were tall and pointy and seemed to be full of pinecones, as well as a lot of birds. The trunks where an unnatural shade of dark purple, a lot like some of the trees in the dark world, while the leaves where a shade of dark, almost blood red.
Jevil assumed it was unique to this world, but who was he to say?

When they reached the tall, barbed wire fence, Spamton looked hesitant.
"1s that going to [[It Burns! Ow! Stop! Help me! It Burns!]] us?"
Spamton asked. Jevil tilted his head at him.
"I've no clue, clue what that means- But if you mean 'Will it electrocute us?' then.." He pulled on the salesman's arm again. "ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!"

Spamton shouted as Jevil threw him against the fence.
Nothing happened, apart from Spamton hitting it face-first with a loud clang. The fence shook from the impact.

The puppet stepped back dizzily, giving Jevil an upset look.
"WHAT 1N THE NAME OF [[Mike?]] WAS THAT FOR?" He shouted.
"Well we needed to find out if it'd electrocute us, did we not?" The little devil replied with a shrug.
Spamton sighed, muttering "Th1s is going to be a long day.." Under his breath, before just grabbing the side of the fence and beginning to climb it.
Jevil levitated into the air, slowly floating up to the height Spamton was at as he climbed.
"The little puppet boy can't fly, fly, eh?"
He said teasingly.
Spamton stopped to glare at him. "You c0uld [[-Help me!]] you know."

"Hmmmm.. No." The devil casually floated over the fence, landing softly on the grass on the other side and watching Spamton as he slowly struggled to get down.
A few feet from the ground, he lost his grip and face-planted into a match of mud, which caused Jevil to break out laughing.

Spamton looked up and glared at him, before suddenly grabbing the jester by the foot and pulling him into the mud as well.
Jevil made a yelp-like noise as he too ended up face-planting in it.
He laughed, jumping to his feet and shaking himself somehow completely clean.
Spamton got up more slowly, still looking grumpy, and wiped the mud off his face with one hand.
"Let's just g0." He sighed for only the millionth time that morning.

The two Darkners wandered the forest for a fair while, making Jevil slightly wish a clock was among the weird objects Spamton brought.
The whole forest was full of the pointy red-leaf trees, and birdsong was audible through the whole time they walked.
Eventually, they came across a river of lapis-blue water, standing out like a broken circus prop against the green grass and weird trees.
They followed the riverside for a while, whilst Jevil debated shoving Spamton in the water, before eventually..

They came across a campsite.
Or more specifically, an abandoned campsite, with green and magenta coloured tents that looked like they'd been violently torn apart.
"What 1s-" Spamton started to say, before immediately cutting off as they heard something.

In the forest, not far away.. They heard a voice yell.

(I'm leaving this on a cliffhanger^^)

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