The Carnival

472 11 25

Spamton's POV

He'd overslept.
When he'd woken up that morning, Ralsei was the only other one home.

He'd found the Prince sitting at the dining table, writing something in an  old looking book.
"Y0u're sure you don't know where in [[CARNATION!]] they went?"
He asked the goat again, sitting across from him.
"I'm sure, Spamton-" Ralsei just sighed. "They were gone when I came inside."
"W0nder where they went..." Spamton sighed as well.

"Don't know.. Where would a trio of insane jesters go in their free time?" Ralsei tilted his head, as though he thought Spamton might know.
"Uh- Uh..." Spamton held his hand to his chin, tapping his finger as he thought for a moment.
"A carnival? Or- A c1rcus?"

"I wasn't exactly asking but- Yeah maybe, those'd make sense-"

"Are there any [[Circus Shows]] or any of the sort in the area?"

"I dunno- You have a phone, you could check-" Ralsei looked back down, going back to writing.

"Oh r1ght-" Spamton took out a cellphone he'd had in his pocket, quickly searching for carnivals or circus's in the area.

It didn't take him a minute to find something.
There was a carnival not far away, being held at a boardwalk.
"F0UND 0NE!" He shouted, startling Ralsei.
"Oh- Great- Wait where is it?"

"The boardwalk!"

Ralsei just stared at him. "And you plan to get there, how..?"

"Uhh.. Dr1ving?"

Ralsei closed the book he'd been writing in, setting it down on the table. "Yeah that's- Maybe not the brightest idea, after last time- How about we walk?"

"'We'?" Spamton readjusted his glasses quickly. "Y0u're com1ng too?"

"Yeah! What's the worst that could happen?" Ralsei smiled, climbing off the fancy wooden chair and walking towards the door. "I'd like to know what they're up to anyway, if they are at the carnival. C'mon!"

"AHAHAHEHEAHE! OKAY!" Spamton jumped off his own chair after him. "W4it why and h0w do you know where the boardwalk is-"

"Doesn't matter!" Ralsei just led the way out the door, with Spamton jumping at his heels.

They walked for perhaps half an hour before reaching the beach.
The sun shone above them, reflecting off both of their glasses.
"We should come out here some time.." Ralsei murmured. "Like, all of us. It's so... Peaceful."
"The se4gulls are [[Surround Sound!]]" Spamton huffed.
"Yeah but- Other than the noisy seagulls.."
"I gu3ss 1t is..." Spamton quietly agreed.

"LOOK!" Spamton suddenly shouted, after about 10 minutes of walking down the beach.
There was a large, crowded boardwalk now in sight.
Spamton could even see a Ferris wheel on it from here!

"Oh- That must be it!" Ralsei grabbed Spamton by the hand. "Come on!"
The Prince started running.

Spamton almost tripped over his own feet, barely managing to run fast enough to keep the goats pace. "WOAH- Why are you so excited for a [[Carnival Kerfuffle!!]]?"

"No reason!" Ralsei replied without slowing. "Just looks exciting!"

As they got closer, multicoloured striped tents, game booths, and other rides became visible.
Almost felt familiar... Oh well.

The pair ran up the beach to the carnivals entrance, stopping before it. "Wow.. Doesn't this look cool?" Ralsei said excitedly.

"Can't say I thought someone like you would [[COMPLETE AND TOTAL INTEREST!]] th1s kind of stuff.."
Spamton just muttered to himself.

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