Two Jesters Casually Argue

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(these guys argue a lot-
delayed update, as always..
no questions about the milk. Dimentio strikes me as the type of guy who'd like just milk, straight from the fridge.
..this was interesting to make)

Dimentio's POV

It was the evening by the time him, Marx and Jevil had gotten back to the house.
Devil Cookie had accompanied them, to help guide Jevil, who was seemingly spacing out and unable to walk.
Dimentio sighed as they reached the door, raising a hand to turn the handle.
Jevil had massacred a marketplace, and he'd ended a shakespearean pirates game.
What a day.

He turned the handle and pushed the door open, praying that Ralsei and Spamton hadn't made a mess of the house.
"We're back." He called.
No one answered.
"I don't think they're home." He said, turning to the trio behind him.
Devil Cookie just shrugged. "Too bad, so sad, can we get this dummy inside now?" He motioned to Jevil, who still had his hands over his face while Marx and Devil Cookie did their best to keep him upright.

"Is he in shock or- Know what, never mind, get him inside."
He moved out of the way of the door as Devil Cookie half guided half dragged Jevil inside.
Marx hesitated, looking at Dimentio, before walking in after them.
Following them, the magician slammed the door.

"You get him in bed or something." Marx said to Devil Cookie, who just gave him an irritated look as he pushed the other devil up the stairs.
"Use your legs!" Devil Cookie snapped at Jevil, who did not react in any way whatsoever.

Dimentio floated into the air a little.
He watched the pair of devils until they'd reached the top of the stairs and gotten out of sight, then just levitated out of the room, towards the kitchen.
"Hey hey hey- Wait-" Marx's voice sounded behind him, and Dimentio could hear he patter of the smaller jesters feet as he followed.

The kitchen was in a room beside the dining room, and had cupboards painted in a pattern of black and white, with things like the microwave, toaster, and other kitchen appliances in yellows and pinks, all at Spamton's request.
He floated to a cupboard, grabbed a mug, and opened the pink fridge.

"Do you think Jevil's gonna be alright?" Marx asked from behind him.
He looked over his shoulder at the littler jester.
"As nature always grows back, I think he'll be fine."

"Jevil isn't a part of nature, dumbass." Marx retorted.

"I mean he'll be fine. Someone like him always will be." He said as he casually poured himself a cup of milk.

"That's not always how it works!" Marx said, raising his voice.

"How would you know?" Dimentio said, turning with a mug of milk in his hand.

"How would you?"

The magician just scoffed. "I've been around hundreds of years longer then you. I think I'd be able to tell if someone'll turn out okay."

"Being old doesn't make you a doctor or someth- Wait is that a mug of just milk?" Marx asked, seeing what was in his hands.
"What are you, the Milkman?"

"Like a bird as it drifts off to sleep, shut the hell up." He said, levitating out into the dining room.

"Wait- You can't just- DIMMY-"
Marx ran in the room after him.

"What is it you want exactly?" He turned to the smaller jester again.

"Okay, firstly, why are you so grumpy?" Marx asked with an irritated expression, like he wasn't the one following Dimentio like a clingy puppy.
"Secondly.. Why don't you care if Jevil's okay or not?"

Dimentio just looked down at them, giving them a smile.
"I won't lie, Marx. Same reasoning for both, I didn't want to be stuck here, and I don't plan to stay. So whyever should I care?"

"I- Well-" Marx looked dumbfounded for a moment, before straight up shouting; "WELL YOU COULD AT LEAST MAKE AN EFFORT!- If we're gonna be stuck together, you could try to care!"

"I gain nothing out of that." Dimentio replied simply.
"All friendships do is hold you back, and leave you open to heartbreak."
He leaned down and poked Marx on the nose. (or wherever his nose should've been)
"So why don't you run off like the child you are, and leave me be?"
He floated back a bit, towards the doorway, still facing them.

Marx gaped up at him. "Is- That seriously how you think-?"

He went silent for a moment, thinking back to the events of his world for the first time since arriving.
He'd been lied to by Count Bleck. He'd been lied to by plenty of others beforehand.
That was all trust lead to, betrayal.
Betrayal or heartbreak.

He shrugged in response to Marx.
"Trust never ends well."

Marx stares up at him a moment longer, opening his mouth as though to keep arguing, when another voice made them both freeze.

"WHAT 1N THE [[90% Off!]] DID I COME BACK TO?"

They turned in unison to see Spamton in the dining room doorway, covered in leaves and twigs like he'd fallen into a bush, dripping from head to toe with water, and was absolutely exhausted.

Dimentio looked down at Marx again, before looking back to Spamton.
"Nothing of importance."

Spamton looked between the two of them, lowering his voice. "Sure l00ks l1ke som3th1ng import4nt."

"Well it's not." Dimentio said again, surprised when Marx nodded in agreement.

"Where were you?" Marx asked, stepping forward a bit.

"S3arching for you." Spamton huffed.
"The g0at and 1 g0t stuck in a [[Carnival Kerfuffle]] with s0me [INFERIOR PRICES]] puppet and p4per girl."

"Paper girl?" Dimentio asked, at the same time as Marx said "Is that a Cuphead reference?"

Spamton answered the magician first. "Y3AH. Mimi or s0meth1ng, she was c4lled? ..What's Cuphead-"

Marx immediately started blabbing about some cartoony video game, while Spamton listened with a curious expression. Dimentio wasn't paying attention.

"Mimi's here?" He said in disbelief under his breath. "She can't be.."

Neither the puppet nor the oversized tennis ball were paying attention to him, so he raised a hand, disappearing with the snap of his fingers.

He needed to think about this..
He really needed to think about this.

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