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Ralsei's POV

He'd been out in the garden that morning, planting some pretty flowers someone had put in a box in front of his bedroom door with no explanation.
He had no idea who'd gotten them for him, but although he couldn't recognise what kind they were, something about them gave him a kind of.. Hopeful feeling.
Like maybe this place wasn't the worst, if it had such beautiful flowers.

The Prince still missed his friends, but.. Maybe the beings he was stuck living with could be his friends!
They seemed nice enough.
Even tho, according to Marx, Jevil massacred the nearby marketplace.. And Spamton didn't seem fond of him.. And-

Ralsei quickly pushed those thoughts to he back of his mind.

He sat up, more-or-less finished planting them. The flowers he'd planted looked as though they were made of ice, drooping plants in shades of blue and purple with pointed petals.
They were cold to the touch, too.

The Prince turned towards the house. Dimentio was on the porch, explaining something to Marx, who looked both interested, and like he didn't want to be talking to them at the same time.

He was going to go over to them, when he suddenly got tackled to the ground.

He fell with an "Eyoof!" sound, just as whoever it was got off.

Jevil said a bit too loudly as Ralsei sat up, straightened his glasses and looked towards them.
"It's fine- Where uh- Where have you been?" Ralsei asked, too confused to be bothered by the fact he'd just been knocked over.

"Wha-" Ralsei tried to say, only to be interrupted as Jevil continued, for some reason quieter. "It might be weird to just bring whoever we find in the forest home, home, but-" The jester raised his voice again. "METHINKS YOU'LL BE QUITE PLEASED WITH WHOM WE FOUND!"
Before Ralsei could even process what the jester had yelled into his woebegone ears, there was the sound of a fence rattling, followed by footsteps.

And out from the trees, looking different yet the same, came the Lightners he had missed, Kris and Susie.

"RALSEI." Susie yelled upon spotting him, running over. Kris followed after her.
"Kris! Susie!" Ralsei exclaimed, dashing over to meet them. He felt like his heart would burst, he'd really thought he wouldn't see them again.
Just before he could try to hug them, Dimentio teleported between them, knocking them all back with weird translucent squares.
Ralsei heard Jevil make an amused huff behind him.

"Well well well, who have we here? A couple of lost sprouts, growing outside the woods?" Said Dimentio.
He turned to Jevil. "Now why did you bring the vermin from the forest onto our property?"
Ralsei managed to speak up before Jevil could reply. "Actually- They're from our world- This is Kris and Susie!" He introduced them, gesturing with one hand.
"..Hm." Was all Dimentio said, narrowing his eyes and floating back towards Marx, who was watching curiously.

"What's with McGrumpster over there?" Susie asked, watching Dimentio float away.
"Oh that's Dimentio- He's uh-" Ralsei cut off, unsure of what to say.
"He's nice when you get to know him." He said after a moment.

"YES. TOTALLY." Jevil said, appearing beside Ralsei and making him jump.

"So what is this place?" Susie said, glancing up at the house in front of them.
"Oh uhm- This is where we've been living!" Ralsei responded with a small smile.
He didn't really think it was that bad here.
"'We've'?" Kris asked. Kris hadn't really ever spoken before, in the Dark World. Ralsei just stood there, a little stunned by it, as Jevil jumped in by saying;

"Oookay then." Kris said, sounding rather confused, though their expression remained neutral. They shot a look in Dimentio's direction. "I think I'm gonna go talk to.. That guy."
"Kris-" Ralsei started, but the human had already walked off.

"...So what happened to you, exactly?"
Susie asked once they were gone.
Ralsei glanced quickly behind him, only to see Jevil had wandered off as well. "Well- Uhm-"
He waved an arm at the wooden chairs that had been placed over by the pool, with multicoloured pillows laying across them.

"Come, take a seat- I have a lot to explain.."

Some time later..

Ralsei explained as much as he could to Susie, about arriving here, the carnival, what he'd been told about the marketplace, through all of which Susie surprisingly didn't interrupt once.

While he was explaining Spamton throwing one of his 'pipis' at that other puppet, he saw Spamton walk back into the house.
"Oh, Spamton-" He tried calling, but he got ignored. He just shrugged and went back to telling the story.

By the time he'd finished, it was about midday, with this worlds sun at its highest point, blending in with the weird yellowish sky.
"Wow." Was all Susie said when he was done. "Something certainly happened to you, huh?"
"Yeah, ha-" Ralsei said, nodding.

"Meanwhile Kris dragged us both into some weird portal and we ended up with some kind of land shark clinging to us." Susie said with a snort.

Ralsei glanced over to the short pirate shark who just seemed to be playing with Marx, as Susie huffed. "They still haven't left."
"They don't seem so bad-" The Prince said. "Marx seems to like them!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Susie sighed dramatically. "Anyway-"
Susie begun to explain what exactly had happened to her and Kris, but before she could get far into her story, Dimentio and Kris wandered over.

"Good news." Dimentio said, his mask's expression just seemed amused.

"We're having a slumber party." Kris said, pulling a pillow out of seemingly no where. "I found a hotel for me and Susie to go to in a couple of days, but until then.."

"Oh fuck yes." Susie said at the same time as Ralsei said; "Oh dear-"
A slumber party?
Ralsei felt a little excited by the idea. But also a little nervous.. A slumber party? In a house full of the most chaotic beings Ralsei knew?
This'd be.. Interesting.

"A SLUMBER PARTY?!" Jevil and Marx shouted in unison.

"...I'm- Just- Gonna go prepare things-"
Dimentio said, snapping his fingers and disappearing into thin air.

"I think he knows how badly this is gonna go." Kris said.

Ralsei got up from his seat, walking towards the glass door.
"I think I'll go help him." He said with a nod.
A slumber party.
He saw absolutely no way this could go well..

(This one feels a bit short but whatever- just setting things up for the next few chapters)

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