The Devil And The Cup

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*insert meow*
and briefly some other mario character.. foreshadowing?)

Dimentio's POV

What had Dimentio wanted to go to the Starburst Museum for?
Well. The same thing he'd murdered a Shakespearean pirate over.

That 'Rouxls' guy had found the red Pure Heart. On.. Ebay, apparently..

Dimentio had discovered online that, a mere few hour walk into the forest behind their temporary home, there were pillars.

What was special about these? Well. They were not from his world, seemingly, but each one had a heart shape scratched into the stone.
He'd teleported there in his own time, and oh, surprise, the Pure Heart he'd found fit perfectly into the front of it.
The pillars, arranged in the shape of a crescent, surrounded a circular sort of well.
In an unknown language that he'd managed to translate, a note carved in stone called the well 'The Portal Between Worlds'.
And it seemed these odd versions of the Pure Hearts belonging to this world could activate it.
In the possibility he couldn't activate it himself, he had ideas for that as well.

So, after some searching online for any possible trace of them, he'd eventually found the yellow Pure Heart.

It was mentioned on the museum's website, described perfectly, even had a picture.
But it did not say which exhibit it was in.

So that's why the magician was wasting his time in a museum. To search for a way to open this portal.
He could get himself out of this nightmare early, and either come back, when his reward for putting up with the lunatics he was stuck sharing a house with was ready, or just track down the mysterious stranger that had brought him here and steal this incomprehensible power they'd offered himself.

Not to mention, he'd also regain his needed power quite easily if he could bring the Pure Hearts through the portal with him somehow.. Although he might need someone else for that.

He chuckled to himself. These potential plans had a lot of holes, but were better than nothing.
They would be successful in the end.
He was sure of it.

He'd explored the insect exhibit already, as well as the exotic plant exhibit, and had now moved on to the crystal exhibit.

It was, as expected, full of strange or glowing crystals, most of which were in bizarre colors.

He wondered for a moment what Jevil was up to.
He quickly pushed the thought from his mind.
He didn't need to worry about that moronic jester. He was more likely to blow up the museum than get hurt.

Why did he care if they got hurt?
He didn't, no. That's why he brought them. No one would care for a little robbery if someone, say, lit an exhibit on fire. Or blew up the cafe.
He brought Jevil here because the devil is expendable. Why should he care?
He quickly turned to focus his mind on searching, this wasn't worth worrying about. He needed to focus on the task at hand.

As he wandered the halls of odd stones, after a while, he heard someone gasp his name.

He turned, just in time to see someone dash behind a corner, a green hat slowly falling to the ground like a feather where whoever it was had stood.

He slowly approached the hat, picking it up with one hand.
A simple green hat, with the letter 'L' imprinted on it.
..Wait a second.

He hesitated a moment, before calling around the corner, "Luigi?"

"NO. NOT LUIGI. YOU'RE IMAGINING THINGS!" Was the response yelled to him.
The voice begged to differ.

He wasn't too surprised.
Mimi was here, whyever would the man in green not be?
Why was he in a museum tho.
Of all the places..

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