Perplexing Puppets

379 15 42

(Edited: This was update late originally. Something else was said here but all I wish to put here now is just- Enjoy the chaos!!)

Ralsei's POV

Him and Spamton had spent hours wandering through the carnival at this point, keeping a sharp eye out for their jester friends.
They'd stopped and played some of the games, (most of which seemed to be rigged) and talked to some of the other visitors.
Spamton had won a goldfish, but it had disappeared from his hand within a few minutes. Ralsei didn't know where it had went.

Most of the visitors looked at them like they didn't understand a word they said, and only gave simple, one-word responses in what Spamton called an empty tone.
Or more specifically, an "Empty [[Teletone]]."
Strange enough, but Ralsei was sure it was nothing.
They'd gone on the ferris wheel, to get a bird eyes view of the place, but still saw no sign of the clowns they'd come in search of.

Once it started getting late, and the sky began to darken, Spamton sighed. "Maybe we should [[Recalculate]]." He suggested.
"I mean- We shou1d look somewhere other th4n this [[FORSAKEN]] carnival."

"Yeah.. You're probably right. They don't seem to be here." Ralsei agreed, giving a small nod.

"Ohhh.. Is that a good idea?" A voice piped up behind them.
The purple mushroom guy was staring at them, their head tilted and their eyes wide.
"She doesn't like when people leaveee."

"Wh0's 'she'-" Spamton asked, only for Ralsei to put a hand over his mouth. "I'm sure we'll be fine, thank you-" Ralsei said to them.
He usually wouldn't interrupt someone, but he wanted to go home now.
Spamton was now glaring at him.
"Come on, let's just- Go back home- Maybe they'll be there!" He said, grabbing and dragging Spamton for about the hundredth time today.
"Why 4re y0u suddenly so eag3r to go b4ck?" Spamton asked as he was dragged by the arm to the entrance.
"Firstly, we should find our friends. They aren't here. Secondly, I don't want to stay to find out who 'she' is, either." He replied without stopping.

"Well f1rstly," Spamton mimicked his tone. "They aren't friends, they're a bunch of chaotic [[CLOWNS AROUND TOWN]] we've been shoved into a house with. Sec0ndly-" He cut off as Ralsei came to an abrupt stop.

"Golly, are you sillies going somewhere?"
The green-skinned girl from earlier, who honestly looked more like she was made of crumpled paper up close, stood in front of them, blocking them from the carnivals entrance. She was now in a purple dress instead of yellow, with a matching purple bow in her hair, still with the same red bowtie tho.
"Uhm- Yes, just going home-"
Ralsei replied, a bit confused.

"Oh, how unfortunate! It's such a shame when boys try to leave."

"WHAT'S THAT SUPP0S3D TO M3AN?!" Spamton suddenly shouted, making Ralsei jump.
"Oh, you're funny." The girl giggled. "It means I can't let you, of course."

Ralsei and Spamton just exchanged a puzzled glance.

"WH0 ARE Y0U AND WH4T RIGHT D0 YOU HAVE TO [[Imprison]] US HERE, YOU-" Spamton yelled, cutting off when Ralsei grabbed his arm.
"Calm down." Ralsei said quietly. Why did this girl tick him off so much?
"My, that's not a very nice way to ask someone's name, now is it?" The girl made a "tsk" sound.

"I'm Mimi, just Mimi!"

"Look, uhm- Mimi-" Ralsei pushed Spamton back a little, stepping forward. "We actually have somewhere to be, we need to look for our friends, so if you could kindly let us past please-"
Mimi just laughed. "No, no, I really couldn't!"

"WHY?!" Spamton shouted.

"Because!" She said cheerfully.
"You're the perfect additions to my carnival trap!"

"Carnival wh-" Ralsei tried to say, only to be immediately interrupted.

"Haven't you noticed how every visitor is a boy, silly?" Mimi giggled.
Ralsei glanced around, realising she was right. How had he not noticed that before?

"EVERY one of them is a boy!" Mimi said cheerfully. "I had a bit of help to make them never want to leave!"

"But- Why?" Ralsei asked, confused as to why anyone would even want that.
"Oh, that doesn't matter silly!" Mimi giggled again. "A smart villain would never explain their evil plans!"
"ST0P CALL1NG US [[Silly Strings]]!" Spamton yelled at her, startling Ralsei again.
"Oh, fine, you're no fun." Mimi gave an overdramatic sigh.
"I'll just let the one boy who can be useful deal with you, then you'll never want to leave!"
"What-" Ralsei started saying, getting interrupted as Mimi held a hand up to her mouth and made a loud whistle.
"Tata!" Mimi suddenly turned into the same cat that had stolen from Spamton, before just scampering off onto one of the game booths to look down on them.
"Oh.. That was her.." Ralsei sighed.

A long moment passed.. But nothing happened.
Maybe whoever she'd been calling for had bailed.

Spamton interrupted his thoughts, by being the one to drag Ralsei this time. He grabbed he goat's hand and sprinted towards.. Not the exit, but the ocean.
Ralsei didn't even get a chance to protest before he was thrown over the dock and into the water.

He struggled up to the surface, spitting out water, and turning to see Spamton struggling to stay afloat, before just seeming to quickly give up and sink.
With a panicked gasp, he grabbed and pulled Spamton by the arm, paddling to the shore as quickly as he could.
He let Spamton fall onto the beach.
His glasses were covered grey by what looked like static, and he seemed to have fallen unconscious.
Ralsei shook himself off, before quickly looking around to make sure no one was around.

Sadly, they hadn't got that lucky.

Levitating in the air, just a few feet away, was what looked like a wooden puppet, in no way similar to Spamton.
They seemed about the same height as Spamton, maybe slightly taller, wearing an outfit that reminded Ralsei slightly of peter pan.
The puppet was slowly clapping, looking amused.
"Well that was certainly some escape, wasn't it?" He chuckled.

"W-Who are you-" Ralsei stuttered.
What was even going on right now.. All they'd tried to do was leave a carnival. Why was that so hard?
The puppet chuckled. "I am Fantoccio, the great, the controller of the strings, the all-powerfu-" He cut off with a small laugh.
"I can't willingly keep that up, so let's cut to the chase, shall we?"

"Wh-" Ralsei tried to say, only to get interrupted yet again.
"You'd surely catch the hint from "controller of the strings", but I'll say it anyway." Fantoccio pointed to the carnival on the boardwalk. "I'M the one keeping all those fellows there, that ball of paper wouldn't be able to do it herself in a million years!"
"Why-" Ralsei tried to ask, only to be cut off again.
"I'll admit, her reasoning is still unexplained to me, but I have a better plan to craft out of it! And for that plan, you pair will be needed!"
He waved a hand, and a bright orange string fell from the sky, fading into mist where it started. The string fell onto Spamton, tying around the leg of his unconscious form.
Fantoccio's string pulled him into the air, hanging him by his leg.
"Now... It's time for fun! It's time your denouement begun!"
He raised his hands, as though he was about to do something, before suddenly getting hit in the face with something blue.
"Ow! Rude!" He caught it, examining it in his hands..
..Before it exploded, and the impact threw the wooden puppet into the ocean with a large splash.
The string holding Spamton up vanished, leaving the salesman to fall onto the ground and immediately jump up with an irritated huff, throwing another of the blue things into the water after them.
He just walked over to Ralsei and wordlessly grabbed his hand, dragging him up the beachside.
"Is- He okay-?" Ralsei asked, looking back at where Fantoccio had disappeared under the waters surface.
"D0n't c4re."

"I'm n0t going to be s0me0n3's puppet ag4in." Spamton muttered.

Ralsei just sighed, going silent.
Neither Mimi or Fantoccio seemed to be making any moves to stop them now, so Ralsei just let Spamton drag him by the arm in the direction of the house.

(that was weird. also a lot of dragging- and interrupting- fun to write tho eheh)

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