Freedom For Two

122 6 74

(slight warning for "life is a game"/existential type stuff.
also violence. and sorry for a late update, literally lost the script.)

Jevil's POV

Last he remembered, he got dragged away by some wasp looking guard fella.
He could remember how tightly he was being held, as though he might break free from their grasp at any second if they weren't careful.
Would he have broken free? No. He didn't feel like it after what he'd done.

...What had he done again?

He had no idea when he'd blacked out. Or had he been knocked out? ..Again. What was that? Twice in one day? His luck wasn't going well, huh?
One moment he was talking with Dimentio, actually having a pleasant conversation. The magician had been explaining what a 'Pure Heart' was, showing him the one he'd gotten from the museum.
He said Jevil could be useful to his plan for them later on, so he might as well understand them.
What was this plan? He didn't know.
And the next moment he steps outside for five spade-cursed seconds and got knocked out.

Anyway, he'd woken up on a cold stone floor, with an irritating headache, and an apparent lack of vision.
And something was kicking him in the shoulder.

..Everything was black still.
He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and whoever was kicking him backed away.

Gradually, over the course of a couple of minutes, his sight came back and he was able to look at his surroundings.

..Well this is a bleak sight, was his first thought.
Cold, worn stone bricks, closed in on all sides. Chains were loosely attached to three of the walls, only one of which were being used. Jevil himself wasn't chained up.
There was a single, dimly lit lantern hanging from the ceiling.
And the chains in use were attached to the ankles and wrists of a very puzzled looking puppet.

"HI SPAMTON!" He said cheerfully. Spamton flinched as though he'd been bit. Or maybe Jevil had just been too loud. He didn't know.

"..H1, [Clown Around Town]." The puppet replied. He looked the jester up and down. "H0w the [guacamole!] d1d you get 1n here-?"

"Good question, question." Jevil replied with a grin, lowering his voice.
He snuck a glance downwards at his clothes. The new, strange blue had faded to more of a dark blue-gray.
Strange. The darker colour looked better tho. So he didn't question that bit at least.

"D1d they get y0u too?" Spamton asked.
Jevil, to be frank, had no idea what he was talking about. To be bob, he was confused.

"The only thing I got was your mother, mother." Was Jevil's expert reply.
Spamton pinched between his eyes and replied with, "Th4t wasn't even- Why 4re you [[Like and Subscribe!]] th1s."

"That's something you know the answer to already, Puppet Boy!" He gave him another grin.

Spamton's response was another sigh.

"You're acting strange, strange." Jevil observed.
He'd noticed when Spamton was feeling particularly down he seemed a lot.. Calmer? Quieter? Less like an insane wind-up toy?
Mostly around Jevil.
..Mostly recently. It hadn't been like that in the past.
But the past wasn't worth thinking about, right?

"1've been [[HELP ME! I'M TRAPPED!]] d0wn here for [Two Hours Later..]." Spamton snapped, turning to look away. "I'm not feel1ng [Just peachy!]."

"That explains, explains it." Jevil nodded.
"So why have you not yet cut your chains, freed yourself from your little game?"

"You th1nk I have n't [Try a little harder!]?" He snapped again. "They're [[Reinforced, stainless steel! You'll never need new pipes again!]]."

"I'm not buying pipes, pipes, thanks." Jevil observed. "You couldn't even manage with your silly little blue eggs, eggs?"

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