The Prison

131 6 78

(Marx spiteful arc/j)

Marx's POV

Kinkajou had led their group through the city, to a tunnel branching into the cavern wall.
Another cave. Hooray.
Except this one was lit by orange lights hung around the top of every wall. There were carved pumpkins in every cell doorway, the shapes of bats and wasps stabbed out of the middle instead of faces.
Quite Halloween-y, for a prison.
Was it even October? Marx had no idea.

From the start of the tunnel, it looked like a maze, branching off into three directions about 40 feet down the tunnel.
There were no guards at the entrance, or for that matter, a door.
Marx was pretty sure just about anyone could walk in.

Instead, there were two Hive Guards outside each cell, which looked to just be small, square rooms with some sort of orange force field infront of each one.

If any of them saw the group peeking around the entrance, they didn't let on. They just stood eerily still.

"So we're trying to rescue Jevil from that place?" Marx asked. Kinkajou shrugged.
"If he's anywhere, he'll be in here." She nodded, then added, "Probably."

"So there's a chance he isn't?" Lancer asked. The jack of spades still had that ridiculous lollipop he'd gotten from one of their previous captors.

"Yeah, but, I'm sure he'll be here!" Kinkajou said positively. "And if he's not, we can search the city until we find him!"

"Weren't we supposed to be looking f-" Lancer started, cutting off as Kinkajou announced, "So, I have a plan to get in!"

"What are you going to do?" Licorice asked. "Walk right in? They'll catch you immediately. And there's no other entrances. Face it, this won't work. We should leave your friend and escape ourselves."

"Well someone's thinking negatively." Kinkajou observed. "But, to answer your question, that is exactly what I am going to do."

"Your death wish, not mine." Licorice shrugged. "I'm staying out here."

"You'll have to stay out here." Kinkajou said cheerfully.

As they spoke, Marx casually peeked down the hallway again.
If Jevil was down here, which of the three paths would he be down?
Or would he be in one of the cells in the 40ft hall?
How would they even get him out?

..He briefly wondered if it was possible to swallow a force field.

"Marx?" Kinkajou's voice asked. He turned to stare at her.

"I have an idea!" She announced. "And that means you're coming with me."

Sorbet made a worried "Oo0o.." sound.

"Me? Seriously? Yeah okay let's do it." He turned to march into the hall, only to be dragged back by Kinkajou's talons. "I didn't mean charging in there like an overconfident monkey." She said, sounding amused.

"Then what did you mean?" Marx demanded.
If they got caught they might get thrown in with Jevil, right? Was that her plan? That might work. Then they could break out together.

Kinkajou bent down, waving a talon towards the curve of her back, between her wings. "Firstly, get on."

"What?" Was all Marx said.

"Get on." She said again. "Then we can sneak in."

"I don't see how getting caught with me on your back would help." He huffed. "Can't I just walk myself?"

"We're not going to get caught." She said crossly. "Now get on! Three moons, why are some creatures so difficult."

Rolling his eyes, Marx not so smoothly clambered up her talon, into the curve between her wings.

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