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also hi Sophie I know you're reading this/pos)

Ralsei's POV

The Prince of the Dark watched Spamton as the salesman stared over the edge of the ledge.
The Prince of the Dark was a little nervous, to say the least.
On one hand, what happened to Basil, Sorbet and Lancer? Were they hurt? Why had they dissapeared?
On the other hand, what if they went missing too, trying to search for them?

On the one foot, they'd probably reunite eventually, right? And it would be better to stay safe until they were back.
On the other foot, Spamton was getting a bit too close to that ledge and.. Oh no.

"Spamton-" He said cautiously, not wanting to possibly spook him into falling. The salesman was staring over the edge, down at the city below.
Ralsei had a feeling they would get lost down there. But then again, someone might know why the rest of their group had dissapeared.
But was that worth risking?

"H0ly [[Cungadero]].." The salesman muttered, before turning to look towards Ralsei. "Looks l1ke some s0rt of [[NEVERENDING MAZE!]]."

"It does.." The Prince agreed, glancing over the edge beside him. "Should uh- We go in?"

"D0 we h4ve any 0ther [[Your choices don't matter.]]?" Spamton tilted his head.
"Uhm." Was Ralsei's only response.

He looked down again. The cave below the ledge stretched on for probably miles, at a guess.
The walls were coated in honeycomb, dripping with honey. It was a giant underground beehive, basically.
There was a whole city of stone and honeycomb buildings spread about below, with a lot of creatures flying or walking around.
A lot of plants, too, the Prince noticed.
Orange and yellow and blue flowers the size of houses, bigger than even the plants in Music Meadows.

"Really does look like a maze.." He said quietly. "Maybe we should-"

Before he was able to finish that sentence, a certain salesman quite impolitely shoved him over the edge.

Ralsei let out a screech as he fell for a few moments, before landing softly in a pile of what he thought might have been pillows. Apart from the fact pillows aren't sticky.
His glasses had fallen off as he'd fallen, so he wasn't able to make out what he'd landed on.
It looked like a super colorful blur, blues and pinks and yellows.
He saw a white smudge fall into the colorful pile in front of him.


"Inside voices, Beet!" Another voice said cheerfully. "I'm sure they meant no harm!"

The being by the name of Beet let out an obviously annoyed loud sigh.

Ralsei felt something get shoved into his hand.
Quickly realizing what they were, he put his glasses back over his eyes, blinking and looking at his surroundings.

He'd landed in a wooden cart sort of thing, pulled by someone dressed as a beet.
The wagon was filled with what appeared to be the heads of giant gummy bears.
Each one the size of his very own head.

The Prince straightened up his hat quickly. The white smudge to have fallen beside him was an awfully pleased looking Spamton.

The being dressed as a beet and the other being, someone who looked like a walking piece of spinach, (Ralsei meant no offense with that thought), were arguing in hushed voices in front of the cart.

"What was that for?" Ralsei asked Spamton quietly, climbing quickly from the wagon.
The small salesman followed his lead, jumping down and very nearly falling on his face.
He brushed himself off before saying simply, matching Ralsei's tone, "There w4s someth1ng [[approaching from the west!]]." Spamton explained.

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