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(Idk if I need warnings here. Or anything, for that matter. But yaayyyy chapter weehee, enjoy)

Jevil's POV

It had taken them hours to get back to the house.
Well, it had taken most of them hours.
Dimentio had refused to teleport everyone, so what did Jevil do?
He teleported himself and Spam to wait for them all.

"AAAAHHHH." Spam shouted as they appeared in the living room. He fell from the air, face first onto the couch.

"UEE-HA!" Jevil laughed, jumping onto it beside him. The room was dark. Jevil could've sworn the lights had been on when they'd left.
But this was fine, he didn't mind the darkness.

"I [@$#^] y0u." Spam muttered, sitting up.

"Love you too, too." Jevil grinned at him. "So what do we do while we wait, wait?" He threw a pillow at Spam. "Pillow fight? Dig up the yard? Rearrange Dimmy's room?"

"H0w about [everybody needs a little rest and relaxion]." Spamton said, grabbing and hugging the pillow and glaring at Jevil.

"BORING." He said.
Jevil didn't want to rest.
Not only did it sound boring, but laying down would leave him with nothing to do but think.
He didn't want to think right now.
His head already hurt. He felt weird.
He didn't particularly feel like causing chaos, either, but maybe causing enough of it would make him feel like he usually did again.

"[Who cares?]." Spam grumbled. "1 w4nna [-commit] [go to bed!] 4fter t0day."

"Fine, fine, be boring." Jevil told him, jumping off the couch. He whacked Spam with his tail, almost causing him to fall off with him.

"I'm gonna find something FUN."

Leaving Spam to his boring rest, Jevil wandered around the house.
He went into the kitchen.
A window was broken, and the lights were again off. But he didn't need the lights to see in the dark.
He stared at the glass on the windowsill, making it seem like the window was punched in.
He frowned at it for a moment, before shrugging, wandering into the dining room.

Same thing. Lights off, another broken window. And for some reason one chair was knocked over.
The others were perfectly in place.
Just this one chair.

Jevil was just slightly amused now. What was the point of knocking down a single chair?
Whatever did the chair do?

Did someone break in just to knock this chair over?
That would just be ridiculous.

He walked back out into the living room. The light was on now, assumingly Spam had turned it on.
The salesman was laying on the couch.

"YOU LOOK LIKE A PANDA, PANDA." Jevil casually yelled at him.

"Y0U LO0K L1KE 4N [unripe] EGGPL4NT." Spam sat up and yelled back.

"WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN, MEAN?" He shouted back.

"I D0N'T KN0W." Was Spam's response.

With a laugh, Jevil turned to go outside.
He would not be caught off guard this time.
He summoned Devilsknife, pausing and staring at the blade.
The familiar spikes, the skull shape on the blade..
Why did it make him feel uneasy, when it never had before?

"Stupid, stupid 'Darkened Skies'." He muttered. "Making me question shit."
He already knew this was a game!
He didn't need to question whether he was in control of what he's doing or not AGAIN.

"I'm gonna go stab a trash can." He told Spam. "If I throw my scythe at the window, assume I got run over, over."

"Run 0ver spec1fic4lly?" Spam asked.

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