Answers From Above

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(DRAGOVID1DAVIDAS i used your character suggestion finally! and wow, surprise chapter. everyone celebrate/j)

Ralsei's POV

Spamton was missing.
No one was sure where he went, or how he'd dissapeared.
And Ralsei was really worried.

He hadn't stopped worrying, ever since he got here. It seemed everyone in this world was in constant danger.
It went from Jevil and Marx breaking plates, to this?
He would've rathered having to pay for expensive dishes than be out in hiding like this!
He didn't want to be hunted down in the middle of nowhere, by beings he'd never even met!

He tried so much to make everyone happy, and help people, and it got him all the way out here.

Ralsei sighed, hugging the notebook he'd found to his chest. At least the worry was a distraction from how much his chin and his foot still hurt.
He hadn't complained about it, not even once. He hadn't been able to heal himself for whatever reason, it was like his magic was being blocked. It would probably sound annoying, or just waste someone's time, if he did say anything.

It didn't seem like they had a lot of time to spare right now.

He shook his head slightly, looking up and trying to pay attention to what Dimentio was saying.
The magician had brought him and Jevil out of earshot from the camp, to say a few things before they split up to search for Spamton.
Ralsei didn't have much hope that they'd find him.. But it was still worth a try.

"Look." The magician said, pinching the bridge of his nose in obvious frustration. "I tried to teleport him back, but it didn't work. Like with Bumbleville, or whatever it's called, it blocks my magic." He added in a mutter. "Like moths drawn to a flame, from these things it's like you people cannot keep away."

"I bet you a dollar he'll be back by tomorrow, tomorrow." Jevil said, sounding immensely unworried.
He hadn't stopped floating all morning, mostly avoiding touching the ground. Ralsei briefly wondered if the devil ever got tired from it.

"Bet." Dimentio said. "I bet you he won't be back at all. He probably got kidnapped, again. Or ran off like an imbecile and got lost."

"Methinks the latter, latter." Jevil nodded. "But he'll probably be back. Whoever's blockin' ya magic won't wanna keep him."

While Jevil giggled to himself, Dimentio sighed, then said to Ralsei in what sounded like a joking tone. "It's bold of you all to assume I want to keep him."
He gave a clap of his hands. "Alright, we'll search for him anyway. I'll look further out. Jevil, there's a cave system underneath us, you can search there."
Jevil gave a small thumbs up in response, and Dimentio glanced at Ralsei.
"And you, Prince of the Dark, you can search the hills across the river."

"Alright." He nodded, sitting up a bit straighter. "I'll do my best!"
Even if it was unlikely they'd find the salesman, it was still worth trying, right?
Maybe luck would be on his side for the first time in this strange place.

"Like prey in it's struggle for survival, you always do your best." Dimentio replied in a somewhat amused tone. "Strange, but in a way, useful."

Ralsei wasn't given a chance to ask what he meant, or even give a confused 'thank you'.
With a flick of his tail, Jevil flew away, in what was assumingly the direction of a cave entrance. At the same time, Dimentio tilted his head slightly, looking at Ralsei.

"After all this time, I've still no clue what your goal is, why you do what you do." Dimentio stared through narrowed eyes, although he seemed only curious.

"Uhm." Ralsei straightened his glasses. "I guess to help people? Like you all." He gave a small smile. "Because you're my friends."

"Hmm." Was all Dimentio replied with. After a moment, he gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "Alright, go on. Our chance of success is slim, but not impossible."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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