💍 ▸ 𝗠𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘇 | My place

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"Get back here you stupid whore! I'm not fucking done with you."

Cassie slammed her bedroom door, a weak attempt at protecting herself from Maddy's wrath, though it was fruitless as she easily twisted the doorknob and threw it open, stalking towards the weeping blonde girl with steam exuding from her eyes. Kat and Y/n chased after the pair frantically, calling after Maddy to calm down.

"How fucking dare you?"

"You were broken up!" Cassie sobbed, hiding her face behind her hands.

"For three weeks!" Maddy screamed, "And even if it was three years, you don't go fucking my ex-boyfriend!"

"Maddy, why don't we just-" Y/n's hand touched air as Maddy lunged forward to grasp the front of Cassie's pink sweatshirt.

"So that's why you were so fucking mad at my birthday, huh? You are literally the most disgusting, backstabbing cunt I have ever met, and I can't believe that I ever thought you were my friend."

"Maddy, I-" Cassie gulped, "I seriously don't think you need to be so mad. I wouldn't have even looked at Nate while you were together, but-"

"Cass," Kat scolded, warning her not to continue.

"It's not that big of a deal, I just..." She whimpered, "I can't help who I love."

"Cassie," Y/n scoffed, "Grow up for once, please. If it wasn't a big deal, then you wouldn't have hidden it.

Am I surprised that you would do something like this to your best friend? Yes, but it's honestly so like you to just try to blame other people for your issues. Seriously, you made this bed, now fucking lay in it."

"Thank you, Y/n," Maddy crossed her arms over her chest.

Cassie scowled, "Oh please, we all know that you only care because you've had some dyke crush on Maddy since freshman year."

Y/n's expression darkened, anger building in her eyes as she physically felt fury rushing through her bloodstream.

Not only was Cassie trying to downplay her actions after breaking the first law of girl code, but she had also just outed Y/n to her friends.

At one point in her life, Y/n had been close enough to Cassie that she was confident enough to come out to her, but she hadn't yet made it official beyond that private conversation. Cassie had gone ahead and figured out how hopelessly in love the girl was with their other friend on her own, but had always been supportive of her up until that moment.

"Excuse me?" Her face was suddenly close enough to Cassie's that she could just feel the heat of her flesh, "I actually care because Maddy is my friend, and maybe you should shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you."

Cassie clenched her jaw, and as she opened her mouth to speak, Y/n turned to Maddy, ignoring the burning stares of both her and Kat as they watched her with wide, glossy eyes.

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