« 29 » CASSIE HOWARD | Touch

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Cassie was unsure how long ago she had woken up. What she did know is that she felt her attention shift to your naked body. Chest bare with your left arm under your head and your right curled around her. Fingers creating a blossoming heat to swarm her body like locus.

There wasn't many chances where she got to stay in the morning with you. From how things had been going during the year, she always left you during the middle of the night after sex. Going to wherever Nate needed her before she would go quiet for a while. Not texting you or calling you.

Until she needed you.

It hurt her always coming to you for a body to take her from reality for a little while. It was wrong, using you for nothing more than sex. But you had stayed after her and Maddy's friendship shattered and her relationship with Nate doing the same. So, with her now arriving at your house on a frequent basis, she got to see what she was missing.

That was your beautiful face relaxed. It was so heavenly. The window above your headboard let the sun in and the ray beams hit your skin perfectly.

It made your skin glow and look so addicting. No matter how many times she got to kiss and bite your skin, it was a shot of adrenaline to the system.

There had always been something so interesting about you since she saw you. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew that you grabbed everyone's attention when you stepped into the room. Your beauty able to light up the room with barely any effort.

That may have been it but your affectionate side always came out ever so often. Showing kindness to the ones who needed it and caring for the ones around you. You had showed exactly that the night of the play and have ever since she started coming over more frequently.

"Should I be concerned that there's something on my face?" you muttered.

"Or is there something you like?"

Cassie leaned down, peppering your face with delicate kisses that made you scrunch your face up cutely. She giggled with her head resting against your shoulder. Hand carefully lifting and beginning to brush against your skin like a feather. It sent shivers down your spine and in return, created goosebumps to invade your skin. But that didn't bother Cassie as she traced imaginary shapes into your skin.

"We should go out to the shore later," she whispered. "I haven't been by the ocean in a while."

You shifted in your position, eyes fixated on the beautiful blonde who traced out every edge and curve of your body. Her soft eyes only the more alluring with the light hitting them just right to brighten the blues. She was special, entirely someone you had unapologetically fallen in love with. There was no need to say it because your loving words and intimate touches were enough to get the word across.

"We'll go wherever you want to," you mused. "We have the whole summer in our hands."

She smiled at that. Pressing her body into your side where you instinctively wrapped your arms around her. Her face nestling in the crook of your neck where her warm exhales could be felt.

These were the little moments that made up for the pain. When she had arrived on your front doorstep last night, you knew what to expect. Her break up with Nate had spread throughout school like a wildfire. You did hope this was the chance you had been waiting for. To discuss the feelings that you held towards her.

But then again, Cassie was the type of girl to fall for the people not good enough for her. Nate was one of those people and if he called for her, she would go crawling back to him without so much as a word. So, you would be savoring this moment for as long as you could. You would be savoring the kisses she gave you until she would leave your side and leave a warm spot on the side of your bed.

You couldn't hold it against her though. She'd been through a lot recently and in her life. Yes, all of it had been her fault. Her backstabbing Maddy, her embarrassing herself at Lexi's play. It had been her fault, but you knew Nate had claimed her. Manipulated her to the point that she could see who was on her side and who wasn't. As well as manipulate her to the point that she doesn't even know her self worth.

It hurt knowing that she was ready for him at every moment, but you had to deal with that fact. Until she was ready for something real and genuine, you would be grateful for the long nights you two spent together. Or the days you guys took a drive on the outskirts of Highland in your Impala. Driving around until the sound went down.

"You ever think about life beyond just this?" Cassie murmured.

She awaited a response patiently. "Are the edibles still hitting you?"

That had earned you a jab in the side as you laughed. Cassie sitting up on her elbow, facing you with a soft smile. "I'm serious."

You inhaled deeply, and sighed. Resting on your back and propping your head under both your arms. Chewing on the inside of your cheek as you stared up at the ceiling.

Cassie waited patiently as you blew a raspberry. "I couldn't say I have," you admitted. "But I don't believe in much of the afterlife. That's why I try and do everything I can in the time I have now on this Earth."

"You don't think there's heaven or hell?" Cassie asked with furrowed brows.

"No," you replied. "What's the point of making all these memories and meeting all these people if we just end up dying and going to either place where we have to praise a man and not get to fuck all the time? Or go to a guy who wants to torture us? Why not chose neither and live the life you deserve?"

She didn't know how to respond, but hummed in response. Trying to soak in your words and fabricate a response worth replying to.

But it was stopped when her phone began to buzz. You sighed, allowing her to move away and grab it. Turning your head to watch her smile widely and start to get out of bed.

Unlike other times, you just stayed silent. Not humoring her with your questions and pleads for her to stay a little bit longer. You knew it was Nate and you hated that he had to continue to cling onto Cassie for dear life after they broke up. But these were the cards dealt and you had to accept that as she put her clothes on quickly and made her way out of your room.

You slipped a sports bra on and some of your Calvin Kline boxers and exited your room. Leaning against the railing and watching her slip her shoes on. She opened the front door, but stopped to glance up at you. You wore an unreadble expression, but offered her a sad smile.

A silent urge for her to go and, "Live the life she deserved."

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