011 ▸ MARCUS BAKER | Someone like me

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The sophomore sleepover was something that honestly, y/n didn't want to attend. It was filled with cringy dancing from the largest part of the student body, glow sticks, and party games.

It felt more like a kid's birthday party than something that the late-teens were supposed to enjoy.

Or, again, maybe it was just her. Everyone else seemed to be having a great time, especially her boyfriend and his female 'friend' that seemed to be quite cozy.

He barely paid any attention to his own girlfriend and preferred spending time with the more preppy girl that had grabbed his attention ever since she joined their school.

Maybe that's why she was getting stoned in the shower room with Marcus.

It took her mind off of her boyfriend briefly, but it was almost as if she could hear the girl's irritating squeals of happiness bouncing off of the walls.

"Surprised to see you here, not going to lie n/n,"

Marcus mentioned, sitting beside the teenage girl with his back against the tiles of the shower room. Thankfully, it seemed like no one else was in here, or planning on coming in here any time soon, leaving the two teenagers to get high to ignore the whole fiasco.

"Yeah," She grumbled, rolling her eyes as her boyfriend popped back into her head, "Scott dragged me here."

Marcus scoffed, letting his head rest on the tiles behind him as annoyance bubbled inside of him at the thought of his best friend's boyfriend.

It was typical of him to drag y/n somewhere she didn't want to go, only to leave her stranded there as he went off with another girl or his friends.

He didn't care about y/n, he never had, not properly anyway. She was arm candy for him, just because she was a pretty face.

They barely hung out by themselves, and he didn't care enough to get to know his own girlfriend well enough.

The truth about Scott was that he hated Marcus. Marcus imposed a threat to Scott's relationship with y/n. He, admittedly, wasn't blind to Scott's antics and tried desperately to get y/n to listen to them, to explain that Scott didn't actually want her, he only wanted to use her.

It was true, Scott knew that, but he didn't want her knowing that.

"Why am I not fucking surprised?"

The girl simply sighed in return. She couldn't stick up for Scott, she wouldn't know how to when all Marcus ever made was good and logical points.

Scott wasn't a great boyfriend to y/n, but he wasn't bad either. He was nice to have around sometimes, just for the company, even if they didn't talk.

"Where is he now then? If he dragged you here shouldn't he at least try and spend some time with you?"

Marcus asked the girl, not even bothering to turn and look at her as he spoke, eyes staring straight ahead and voice filled with anger.

The girl mumbled something under her breath, looking down at her lap shyly but it certainly caught Marcus' attention.

His head turned to the side, a piece of his hair falling over one of his eyes before he spoke, "What was that?"

Her lips parted a little while she lightly shook her head, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, "He's with Cass."

"Cassidy? Seriously? What a fuckboy I swear."

"He's not fucking her, Marcus!" The girl countered lamely, shaking her head in protest to her best friend's claims.

He shifted around until he was sitting right in front of her, face-to-face with the girl he had been friends with since the fourth grade.

His legs were crossed over one another, white trainers sitting under his knees as he leaned forward to look her right in the eyes.

When he spoke again, he spoke lowly almost as if speaking quietly was going to spare her the shame that came with his words .

"So you're saying that you would bet me a hundred bucks confidently that he hasn't fucked her in one of the classrooms tonight?"

It was harsh. Marcus knew that, especially when it was directed towards his own best friend.

He didn't normally care about people's feelings particularly, normally too out of it to even care if he ran their cat over with his motorcycle but he cared deeply for y/n.

He didn't want to hurt her feelings but it seemed like the only way to actually get her to listen to him about Scott.

After a few moments of silence, Marcus sighed.

He knew that she was embarrassed and felt overly criticized but he just wanted her to realise how trapped she was.

"I just don't get it y/n. I just don't think Scott's right for you. You deserve someone better, someone who gets you, someone like-" Marcus rambled on, not even realizing what he was saying. The words of frustration flying out of his mouth like he didn't have a filter.


Silence filled the room, her e/c eyes coming up to meet his dark ones. He swallowed back the thickness in his throat, finally coming to realization with what he had said.

He had loved her for so long, he loved everything about her. Her quirks, her smiles, her bed head, how she rages at video games; everything.

He had always been so scared to tell her, he thought that it would be the worse day in his life if it ever got out.

He thought that he would never recover from the humiliation of his confession but right now he felt no fear. He wasn't scared.

"Yeah, y/n. I think you deserve someone like me."

Her eyes searched his before she quickly jumped forward, lips smashing onto his and arms wrapping around his neck.

He wasn't able to catch them, too enraptured on the feeling of her lips against his as they fell to the ground. She was on top of him, his body against the slightly damp floor of the shower room but he didn't care.

He would stay there forever if it meant that she could be there with him.

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