« 15 » ROBIN BUCKLEY | Brainiac

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"Have you guys noticed Y/N being weird lately?" Robin hummed, addressing the question to both Dustin and Steve, who had made themselves at home, sitting around a giant Sunday.

Unsurprisingly, they didn't have anywhere else to be right now, even though Steve's shift didn't start for another two hours.

On any other day, you would have been there with them, fighting over the last cherry, but not today.

Today, you were nowhere to be found which your girlfriend found incredibly strange.

She had her break in seven minutes, and it wasn't like you to miss out on it, even by a minute.

In fact, now that she was thinking about it, Robin realized that you'd never ever missed a break. You two got off at relatively the same time, with your shift at the Journeys across the way letting out a few minutes before Scoops.

Then, from there, you two always went down to the food court and got a hotdog on a stick or something, just to get away from customer service for a while.

It was the one thing she looked forward to above everything else, which only made it that much more of a bummer that you hadn't walked through that door yet.

"I guess so" Steve answered first, sharing a look with Dustin that may have given him away if the brunette hadn't been too distraught to notice.

She liked to think that if there was something going on with you, you'd come to her directly so that the two of you could work through it but given what had been happening lately, she wasn't so sure anymore.

All she could do now was hope that maybe, you'd reached out to one of these two chuckleheads for some kind of advice.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Dustin chimed in then, doing a pretty good job of covering up for his far less subtle friend, that caring look in his eyes that practically pried the truth from Robin.

Obviously, something had happened to have her so distraught, and even if he already knew what it was, that didn't mean she could know that.

"I don't know. Everything was fine until the other day. We were supposed to spend our whole day off watching Christmas movies" Robin explained, still racking her brain trying to figure out what had happened.

It wasn't like you to shut her out in the first place, especially without any warning or explanation, but that wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part was that when she asked you about it, you told her that you forgot and wouldn't be able to make it. That was the only explanation you gave, and then she didn't see you all day.

It was odd, and it made sense that Robin would be worried.

It was like, out of nowhere, something had completely clouded your head and you couldn't focus on anything else other than whatever it was.

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