« 27 » NATE JACOBS | Silence is pain

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You were chatting with Kat about some new clothes. One blue dress which really would make you look perfect.

Leaves crunches were heard outside your house but you didn't bother as it was normal for your neighbour's dog to go around your yard. Even though it was a small dog he had loud feet.

You drank a cup of water, mentioning there was a costume party this weekend.

[ Kat💕 ]

Kat💕: Are you coming to the party ?

Kat💕: Also will you bring that hot guy from last time?

You: Benjamin? I guess

Kat💕: What do you mean I guess? Did he fuck something?

No. Benji is a nice guy, like actually having some brain cells and even is good at chemistry. The only problem is your ex.

You: Didn't you see how Nate was looking at him?

You: He was ready to kill him with his glares

Kat💕: Fuck Nate. If you like Benjamin then bring him. What is Nate gonna do?

What is Nate gonna do? That's what you were afraid of. He could do many things. Cruel and violent things. But thinking you haven't seen him in a while you decided to do what makes you happy.

You: Right. I will ask him then.

Kat💕: There you go. Problem solved.

You walked out stairs to your room texting a quick message to Kat.

You: Gonna take a shower, see you tomorrow.

You left your phone on your bed, taking the clothes you will change into and opening the door of the bathroom.

The water was warm enough to calm your nerves and fears for this weekend. You will have fun with an interesting guy and isn't Nate.

Nate is the past and Benjamin might be the future. That would be a big step. From the toxicity that came form your ex, to the possible light Ben was going to show you.

This kind of thinking might be naive and too soon to tell, but you expected good since you sailed through the bad just 4 weeks ago.

You put on your pyjamas which were shorts and a t-shirt. Styling your hair with little effort as you will go to sleep soon.

You dropped yourself on the bed about to take your phone to check for any news. But your phone wasn't there.

" You will not ask him anything. "

A deep voice boomed in the room. Spotting Nate in the corner of your room, hidden away by the darkness.

" What the fuck Nate? " He stood up, showing just how much care did he give to your reaction. Obviously nothing has changed.

" You won't see that guy again. " He was coming closer every second, intimidating you, challenging you to stop him.

" Give me my phone back. " You reached for it, but he already held it up. You looked to both of his eyes.

" Sit. " Nate spoke and you did not wanting to get him too worked up.

" Your little boyfriend... "

" He isn't my boyfriend. ". You cut him off before he continued.

" Whatever he was, he is no more. " You gasped with eyes snapping wide open. " What did you do? "

" What was needed to be done. " He replaced your phones, putting your to get lost in his pocket and taking his to show you something you wouldn't recover from that easily.

" Nate...why did you do that? " A tear dropped from you eyes. You couldn't look away from him and he just kept starting not showing any emotion. You couldn't see it anymore, you didn't want to, so you closed your eyes.

According to your ex, however, that was not the move he was going for.

" Open your eyes. " It was a command you must have done.

When he realized you wouldn't listen he got up from his seat, grabbing you by the back of your neck, squeezing just enough to warn you.

" Do you see this? " He whispered in your ear. " This shit shows just how much I love you. " His rough lips brushed your neck, as he breathed you sobbed.

" And you think breaking up with me would remove you from my presence. " Your whines were quiet, but satisfying for him.

If you could, you would go straight to the police right? To do the right thing with these pictures and report him.

" How do you know I wouldn't tell anyone? " Nate laughed at your question.

" Because you wont. You won't tell a soul. " You knew he was right, with every word.

Even if you did step on your fear, he would still have the town supporting him, he is just anyone he is Nate Jacobs and when you have the power and privilege, Nate Jacobs does there is no stopping in doing what you want because no matter how bad is it he will always get away with it.

" If you want to make it hard for yourself. Do the right thing and report me right now, I wouldn't move. " He gave you the phone telling you to take it.

It scared you, just how much will he use your fear against you.

" You can do that, or you and I can get back together and forget that guy ever existed. " One of the second, both leading you right into his claws with no escape.

The tears were already dry on your face but not done with their job. You looked at him in his cold stare, knowing whatever you are about to do should be in the benefit for everyone, but this guy.

Benjamin can't be saved, but the rest can.

So you did something that would make more than half of the world facepalm and left the phone alone.

He gave an extra minute, testing if you will hesitate and look it's way. You didn't.

" You made the right choice, Y/n. " He came closer to yours speaking the words you heard very clearly. " I hope you will continue to do the right choices. "

" For your own good. " And just like nothing happened, Nate walked downstairs and exited through your front door.

The moment you knew his car drove off your sobbs started to come out. Why did you do that to yourself? Why did you agree? Just why...

Calming down you remembered the answer. Silence is the price you will pay for daring to cross him and just so he made himself clear he hurt the person you used against him.

And he didn't have a slight problem showing his creation.

And you will stay quiet, you wouldn't dare to say that Nate Jacobs kept your mouth shut just to save his ass.

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