« 21 » PETER PARKER | You make me smile

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"What if we made a bet?"

Your boyfriend asked as you two walked down one of the many halls of the compound, hands held as you swung them back and forth gently between you both.

You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in his direction, your interest peaked at his words and that certain gleam in his eyes that read nothing but trouble.

"I'm listening." You told him with a small chuckle as a grin formed on his face, the mischief growing in his eyes as you two rounded the corner and continued to make your way to the meeting room.

Your father had requested you both to be there to discuss some important topic that you honestly didn't care about at the time.

You were Tony Stark's kid so it only seemed fit that you followed along in his steps in terms of becoming an Avenger, so that meant you were included in such matters; After many arguments with your father, of course. You were just lucky enough that your boyfriend Peter Parker was included in said meetings as well. He was Spider-man after all and you two teamed up more times than not to make sure that Queens and a majority of New York was safe from any threats that occurred while the Avengers were away.

You called yourself Striker and you flew through the skies in a Mark suit much like your father, only your colors were that of a blue and silver. You had just as much tech on your suit as your father did and more times than not you ended up creating another suit just to rival his current one in terms of tech.

It was like a competition for the two of you to see who would make the better advancement for the suit and you lived for it; It was your way of testing your knowledge against your father.

Currently Tony was winning the competition with the inclusion of an energy shield to his suit. You couldn't help the huff that ended up escaping your form as you thought it over but that thought was quickly thrown aside as Peter began to speak of this little bet he had planned.

"Well, you know how boring these meetings tend to be so.. I was thinking. What if we had a competition? The first one to laugh during the meeting has to buy the other food for.. Mmm.. A month."

Peter spoke, a smirk on his face as he saw the look in your eyes; You were a Stark after all, you enjoyed a good challenge and you were never one to turn down a bet. It ran in your blood, after all. You turned your head to look at Peter, watching him as he raised an eyebrow once more at you for your answer.

You couldn't help the grin that appeared on your face; Of course you were going to agree to it.

"You're on, Parker." You agreed to him, bringing your hands into view to show him the deal was sealed via your hand holding.

He gave you a grin in return and brought your hand up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it. You couldn't help but blush at the act and smiled lightly at him.

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