« 38 » DAMON SALVATORE | Memory

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You were surprised to wake up alone. When you'd drifted off last night, you were wrapped tightly in the arms of the man you were hopelessly and undeniably in love with It felt strange now. Empty.

Your bare feet pitter pattered against the hardwood floor, taking the bedsheets with you, wrapping them around your naked frame.

"Damon?" You called out into the house. While it wasn't your first time spending the night at the Salvatore Boarding House, you were still amazed by the size of it.

It didn't help that you were just wandering around naked, worried that Damon's brother might come out and see you any second. There was still no answer and you were starting to worry.

Your nightmare was merging with reality and suddenly you couldn't tell the difference anymore. He's gone. "Damon!" He's not coming back. You aren't interesting enough any more.

Your breathing started to pick up and your vision blurred. It had been a long time since your last attack, but the crushing feeling of being alone was overwhelming.

"D-Damon," Your voice was barely above a whisper now. It felt like your throat was closing up and tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You heard a light rustling sound and felt a hand on your cheek.

"Hey, it's okay." Damon said softly. His piercing blue eyes looked into your panicked ones. "I'm right here, baby. It's okay."

"I-I thought that you..." You stammered, trying to calm yourself down. You felt so ridiculous. He couldn't have been gone for five minutes and you were freaking out. "I'm sorry- I didn't- I thought-"

"Shh," He pulled you into his arms. "Everything is fine. I was just down in the kitchen making you some breakfast."

"O-Oh." You sniffed, laying your cheek against his chest. You quickly wiped the tears off of your face, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. You felt like a scared little kid, lost in the store when your mother is really just in the next aisle.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about." Damon pulled back slightly, pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead. "Why don't you go put on some clothes and I'll finish making you pancakes?" He smiled as you nodded and went back to his room to grab something to put on.

Damon turned to go back to the kitchen, meeting his brother's judgemental gaze with a sigh.

"Don't start." He vamp-ran down the stairs but Stefan beat him there.

"It's not going to end well, Damon." He said sternly. "You know that. I know that. The longer you are with Y/N, the more likely that she is going to get hurt."

"You know, you give me the same lecture every time she's over here and funnily enough, the more you say it the more it just becomes blah blah blah blah." Damon snarked in reply. His annoyingly moral little brother had been trying to split the two of you up for months now. He poured a glass of orange juice and set it on the table where a place was set for you.

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