« 24 » JASPER HALE | Pillow fight

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You woke up shivering, your bedroom window open and screenless. The book you were reading was still open, its pages rustling in the gentle night breeze.

Noting that it was, indeed, night, you frowned. You had hoped that your significant other, Jasper, would be back by now.

He and the rest of his family had gone on a hunting trip, and they expected to be back tonight. Sighing, you pulled your blankets over you and looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight.

You fought off a wave of dismay as it occurred to you that he may not be back tonight after all. Your parents weren't home so you could've been alone, too.

You swallowed down the lump of disappointment that had formed in your throat.

Regardless of whether or not he would be back tonight, you weren't tired anymore. You picked up your book and continued reading, the covers pulled up to your chin. Every time it felt like you were waiting for hours, you would check the clock and only ten or fifteen minutes had passed. You groaned. You hated when Jasper was gone.

Just when you figured you might as well go back to sleep, you heard a rustling sound coming from outside. You froze, and fought the urge to jump up and down with excitement; there was only one thing you hoped it was.

"Jasper?" You whispered, knowing he would be able to hear you no matter how quietly you spoke.

You waited for a response for a few seconds, but there was only silence. It didn't seem as though it was Jasper after all, much to your chagrin. You began to get up, uncovering yourself in order to go and turn off the light when you heard it again; the rustling. It was definitely coming from outside your window. You frowned.

"Jasper?" You tried again, somehow even quieter than the first time.

You listened, but there was only silence. After a few moments, you heard it again, much more clearly than before; closer. A lot closer. You feel your heart beating, hurriedly, as if it were going to beat out of your chest. You couldn't move; you were frozen, half standing, half covered, staring into the darkness outside through your open window.

Suddenly, someone materialized in the darkness. You screamed, falling backward onto your bed, your pulse thrumming like crazy, breathing erratically. Golden eyes widened, the bright smile adorning his mouth morphing into an 'o'. Jasper.

"What the hell, Jasper!" Without thinking, you grabbed one of your pillows and threw it at him.

He deflected the pillow easily, his expression a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"I'll admit, a scream of terror wasn't quite the 'welcome home' I was expectin'." He said, still outside, looking unsure if he should come in.

"Well, that's generally how people react when you jump out at them!" You said, angrily. Realization dawned on his face and he began to laugh. He was laughing.

"Jump out at you?" He said, chuckling animatedly, the smile back on his face.

You glared at him, throwing another pillow at the window. Again, he pushed it aside with ease.

"I never knew you were such a scaredy-cat, darlin'." He said, finally jumping through your window and entering your room.

You glared at him, reaching for another pillow to throw. Instead of deflecting it, he caught this one, a mischievous grin dancing on his lips.

"You know, darlin', now that you've supplied the enemy with ammunition, you seem to be at what we army men like to call a severe disadvantage." His southern accent dripped off every word. The glare dropped from your face and you giggled, realizing what he was insinuating.

"Even with a tactical advantage, I don't see you beating me, Major." You quipped back, reaching for your last pillow and holding it up like a shield.

He quirked his eyebrow and gave you a smirk that said 'it's on'. The two of you held each other's gaze for a few more moments before he sprang into action, his vampiric speed allowing him to be at your side in an instant. He still allowed you time to block his attack, however; it wouldn't be fun for either of you if he ended your battle before it had even started. In fact, despite the fact he clearly had the upper hand, he usually let you win when you two were playing.

It was no different this time, either. After several minutes of blocking from both ends, he let you get his pillow away from him. You giggled as you finally got a good hit in; the fun part about having an invulnerable boyfriend was that you didn't have to hold back. He did something then that you did not expect, however; he cried out in what sounded very close to pain.

"Ow, oka-OW, CAN YOU STOP HITTING ME WITH YOUR PILLOW?!" Even his expression wasn't playful anymore.

Instantly you froze, frowning. In seconds, you were on your back, and he was tickling you.

"That's...playing...dirty..." You gasped out in between giggles, trying, unsuccessfully to get away from his assault. Finally, he stopped.

"Not my fault you felt sympathy for the enemy, darlin'."

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