« 18 » JULES VAUGHN | Cindrella

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Under the pale moonlight and into the bright house, the change of scenery was nauseating. Especially when you noticed the sea of people you faced upon entry, it almost made you wonder how you'd get through.

You stood on your tiptoes and tried to peak over the heads of dozens, Jules was nowhere in sight. It might be time to just go for it, you couldn't stand in the doorway forever.

As you pushed past the hoards of partygoers, some pushing right back, you regretted even showing up. There was so much commotion, it was a wonder the cops hadn't shown up yet.

"Any of you seen Jules?!" You shouted over the speakers to a group of vaguely familiar kids, you thought you might've seen them around somewhere before.

"Who?!" One replied, cupping his ear to hear you better.

"Jules! Blonde, long hair, probably has sequins or something on her face!" Your description of her didn't ring any bells, so they simply turned around and ignored you.

"So it's like that?" You muttered as you felt a hand wrap around your bicep and swing you backwards.

"Shit, y/n, there you are!" The girl in question pulled you in for a hug. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"Just got here!" You said, observing her face, her bright smile, and her detailed makeup. "Love the look!"

"Thank you!" Jules giggled while striking a pose, but you noticed her expression change in an all too familiar way. She had an idea.

"Don't look at me like that, Jules!" You warned, half-joking. You were a little curious as to what she had to say.

"Wait, wait, hear me out!" She gently held your arms, sliding her hands down until they met your wrists and laced through your fingers, gaining control of your movements as she began to sway. "Maybe I could be your girlfriend for the night, huh? I could be like, your arm candy or whatever."

"What?" Your smile grew wider as the gap between your eyebrows shrank. "I mean, of fucking course I will, but why?"

"Well, why not?" She countered. "It'll be fun! It'll confuse people! It'll give me an excuse to curve creepy guys hitting on me! I'm your girlfriend for the night!" Jules celebrated your newfound (and temporary) relationship with a kiss to your cheek, one that left a comforting feeling behind long after she had taken her lips away and pulled you along the clusterfuck of people that you decided were in your way.

And you couldn't help but notice how she dressed, like some kind of pastel princess who didn't even notice that she was the prettiest one in the room.

Jules gently leaned her back against you, taking your hands and leading them down her sides to her hips, rocking back and forth with the music. It took a minute to match her rhythm, but you got the hang of it, and it wasn't too long until the two of you started to attract some attention.

You and her had finally gotten to face one another with your lips so tauntingly near each others. Your noses had even brushed a few times, which made friends and acquaintances curious as to what might happen yet.

Especially once they noticed your fingers brush away the hair stuck on Jules' eyelashes, smoothly leading into a cup of her cheek.

The lights were too flashy to figure out where you were staring, so Kat, Maddy, and Cassie had to make an educated guess.

"Holy shit, are Jules and y/n about to kiss?" Kat's jaw dropped when the possibility stuck her.

"Yo, I think you're right. What the fuck?" Maddy added, staring intently at your unintentional show.

"No way, you guys! They're just friends!" Cassie shut them both down and squinted at the sight.

"Oh, nevermind. I've never seen friends dance like that before." As they watched, you decided to close in-tried to close in.


Someone screamed as the music shut off, leaving everyone to scramble as the colorful flashing lights were replaced by alternating blue and red ones.

"Come with me, my house is closer!" Jules laughed while tugging at your arm, leaving you no choice but to follow as you bolted for the back fence and got some assistance from other runners as you jumped it.

"Thank you!" You shouted back, tripping over your feet and nearly stumbling into the grass as you and Jules giggled into the night, dodging behind houses and trash cans to keep out of police view.

The dash was only a few blocks, but you were out of breath by the time you reached the Vaughn residence. She invited you inside, which you'd never say "no" to. After a quick greet to her dad, you jogged up the creaky stairs and checked your phone, reading 1:07AM.

"Guess our relationship expired, huh?" You asked your Cinderella as she let you into her room, shutting the door behind her and leaning against the inside.

"Do you want it to be?" She shyly bit her lip, seeing you smirk as you realized that maybe her "fake girlfriend" idea wasn't as black and white as you thought.

You slowly approached her, taking the same position that you left off in.

Your lips grazed each other while debating whether or not you should go ahead, but your instincts took over and you locked your lips together, feeling her soft hands on your cheek and yours on her waist, then pressing your foreheads together to pause.

"You're unbelievable, Jules, but I love that about you."

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