1. Mayra Mehra.

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***Mayra's POV.***

I push the curtains away and look at the sky, which is turning grey. The best thing about living in Shimla is to experience snow and sometimes way too much. I smile as I think this year would differ from all those years which passed in nothing but loneliness. Because now I am no longer alone.

For the twenty-five years of my life, I had nothing, but I have everything now. Two grandparents, one loving and other strict, a protective brother and sweet bhabhi. And the one thing I always wanted, a mother. All because of Arya, my sweet bhabhi.

And now I am going to have more people. I would become part of a big family. So many people to talk to, so many people to laugh with, so many people to argue and solve matters with, so many people to love and be loved by. I smile as I think that, but then it fades away as a fear takes hold of me.

Would the person through which this many relations I am thinking of making will be interested in me? Would he try like I would? Would he turn out to be a good husband, just like he is a wonderful son and father?

I know all these questions are impossible to answer right now. But I am not losing my fate, not after the talk we had before we made this decision. I still remember the time we met to decide if we want to marry or not.

***A Month Ago***

"So where are you meeting?" Arya asks as I get ready to meet her brother, who sent me a single text about where to meet him.

"Hmm..." I hesitate.

"Please don't tell me he asked you to meet him in the office. If that is so, he is hearing a lot from Mami." Arya says, and I smile.

"No. He asked me to meet at a museum." I say.

She sighs heavily and says, "He is doing this on purpose. Vedant called him boring, so he is making fun of it."

"That's okay. Museums are a perfect place to talk. At the cafe, we could not talk freely as there would be an audience. This way my friends won't interrupt us too." I say.

"Ask as many questions as you want, Mayra. Don't shy away as my brother likes when people ask questions rather than staying silent. He gets irritated by unwanted silences." She says and I nod.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Stand your ground on something you believe in. Don't let him intimidate you." She says, and I nod again.

"And?" I ask.

She stands up and tucks a strand of my hair and says, "Just stay as you are and forget my advice. Also, you look beautiful."

"Thanks." I say and hug her.

"Have fun. Don't let my brother ruin it." She says, and I shake my head.

As I go towards my car, Mom comes in her car and sees me. I can't believe I have started calling her Mom. Well, no one deserves this title more than her. I smile at her and she gestures for me to stay there. She comes out of the car and gives me prasad. I eat it and take her blessing.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

"Yes." I say and she nods.

"Take care." She says and goes in.

With a deep breath, I sit in the car and start it. I play some rock badass music and sing with it. This is one secret I am not ready to share with anyone. Only I know how to control myself from playing a song like this when our whole family is driving together.

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