32. Friends In Need.

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***Shaurya's POV.***

Tonight was supposed to be a great night. I was supposed to enjoy my wife's performance, which I did, but then I was going to dance with her and maybe sneak away just a few minutes before midnight and kiss her just when the new year begins. I wanted to see her face first.

But obviously, not everything in life goes according to our plan. That is why it is life. Unfair and mocking but still with some good parts.

"Did you understand Jiju?" Ramya asks me a tenth time and I nod.

"Yes, Ramya. I understood. I have to make sure that Jagvi doesn't have time to dance with Reyansh. But I don't understand why she would do something like that in front of her fiance?" I ask.

"Because I see this urge in her eyes to steal Reyansh again, and this time with a vile plan." She says.

"And how would you know that?" I ask.

"Hmm... Just trust my gut, will you? Otherwise, you won't get a new year's kiss from my sister." She says.

"How do you know that?" I ask in surprise.

"Oh, please. Men are simple to understand, except for one." She says and gives Reyansh a frustrated look.

"Okay." I say, "Then why are you helping him?"

"Because it is fun." She says casually and I feel speechless.

"Anyway, let's go. I have to keep an eye out for Priya, too. She should not ruin Mayra's night." I say and she nods.

But I am too late as I see Priya and Mayra together. Priya is looking at Veer exactly a year later. I don't know how she would react. I excuse myself and rush their way.

"Is everything okay?" I ask Mayra, as I shield them from Priya.

"Yes. Veer just wanted to eat some kheer." Mayra says as if nothing happened, but I know from the look in her eyes that something has upset her.

"Let's go." I say and take her arm in mine.

"Won't you greet your friend, Shaurya?" Priya asks and I turn to look at her smile, which seems hesitant and fake.

"I would have if you were really my friend. But you never saw me as a friend but as an enemy." I say and she blinks her eyes with a blank look on her face.

"That was when you forced me into giving birth to..." She trails off when she sees Veer and looks away.

"That's because you forced me first to have him." I say and she looks up at me in anger.

"Shaurya, we should not create any scene right now, please. Let's just go. I am getting hungry, too." Mayra says, and I come out of my daze.

"Okay. Let's go." I say and put my arm around her shoulder and walk away from there without looking back at Priya.

I fill up a plate for Mayra and Veer as they sit at a corner table. All the while, I am thinking if Priya said something to upset Mayra and if she did what Mayra must think right now. I am not ashamed of anything in my life so far except for one, and that is getting married to Priya.

I shake my head to shake away the thoughts and walk back to them. As I feed the kheer to Veer, Mayra is looking at the distance. Something has disturbed her ever since she met Priya.

"Mayra?" I try to get her attention and she finally looks at me. "Are you okay? Are you upset with me because I was not there?"

"I am fine. It is just that sometimes I don't understand your relationship with Priya. I have never asked about it and I will not force you to tell me. But I think I need to understand what exactly happened between you both, Shaurya. Am I not worthy enough to know the truth?" She asks me and for the first time, I realized that I have been hurting Mayra unintentionally by hiding some truths.

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