47. Getting Promoted.

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***Shaurya's POV.***

"Reyansh, I think I told you I want tulips." I say to him.

"But I didn't find any." He says.

"Did you ask Ramya?" I ask.

He thinks for a second then sheepishly says, "I forgot."

"Reyansh! Just because I gave you all one job that doesn't mean you all don't have the right to interact with others. You know Mayra loves white tulips only. Get them from anywhere otherwise no cake for you." I say and go to check the food.

"Hey!" He says.

"Hi, dear. Look I am almost done. I just wanted to ask should I add kesar in the kheer." Mom asks.

"Mayra likes it however you make it, Mom. But... what is that?" I ask as I see a dish not far away.

"Oh, it is chicken tikka, dear." Mom says.

"Mom, Mayra has taken a new diet. So she has stopped eating meat." I complain.

"I know, dear. But one slip is not that bad." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I say and go out.

"Is your band ready, Dad?" I ask.

"Yes. We prepared every punk song which Bhabhi likes. We are gonna rock it." Parth says.

"All thanks to Kush." Dad says and slaps on his back.

"Please, Uncle Ji. I was being selfish. It has been a while since I performed so I am loving it." Kush says.

"But I told you to prepare her favorite Bollywood songs. She doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of you all. If it was private it would have been okay. But we are having guests over." I say but when they make excuses I just leave from there.

"Jiju, stage lights are ready to go. I checked all the twenty-five gifts you ordered, they are here and Vedant Bhai and Arya are packing them while Purvi aunty is checking the guest list again. Anything else you want me to do?" She asks.

"You are an angel, Ramya. You are the only hope I have for this party to be successful for me and enjoyable for Mayra." I say.

"Aww! Thanks, Jiju. But I already know that." She says.

"Now, will you please help my stupid brother to find some white tulips?" I ask.

"Sure, I would love to give Reyansh, 'I told you so' speech." She says smiling evilly.

"Thanks?" I say in confusion and she leaves.

"How she did get that Reyansh is the one I am talking about, not Parth?" I ask myself but let it go.

Today has to be perfect. After the horrifying start of the year, I want Mayra to at least enjoy the rest of the year and especially her birthday which she didn't get to celebrate her birthday properly ever.

Tonight, she will have her family and friends present for her special day. Her son would make some moves on the dance floors which I taught him secretly. Her Dadi would perform too and so will her Dadu and my parents. And all this while her husband will make sure a smile is there all the time on her face.

I went up to my room to get changed as the party would start soon and I am going to escort Mayra down with her arm around mine. If I am fast enough, I can steal a kiss or two before that.

I get ready in a pink shirt and white tux then go to Veer's room to see if my wife and son are ready or not. And when my eyes land on them, I almost melt down.

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