7. Veer's Day Out.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"What are you making today, Arya?" I ask as I tie my hair in a messy bun and take out milk to make some coffee. "And aren't you supposed to be leaving for office right now?"

"I am. But after this. Here. Your breakfast is ready and now I am off." She says putting a hot plate on the counter.

"You don't have to do this, Aru." I say.

"Oh, come on. You were tired, and I did little. Just prepared sandwiches." She says, "Now eat this and remember your salad is in a green color box, not in yellow. That one is for Dadi."

"Okay. I won't steal her salad again." I say with a wink and she shakes her head and waves me good bye.

I take my coffee and breakfast out to the table. I woke up very late today as my sleep schedule got messed up pretty badly. It is 8 already. I know 8 is still early for some people but the people like me who like to do yoga wake up at 6. I have yet to shower, but I got so hungry that I forgot about the shower and thought about food first. Just when I take the first bite of a sandwich, my phone rings and it is Shaurya.

"Hi!" I ask, with a mouthful of sandwiches.

"You are busy. I will call you later." He says.

"No, hang on." I say and swallow it. "What is it?"

"Nothing. Veer's nanny is sick and Mom and Dadi have to leave to meet a relative right now who is in the hospital. And on top of it all, I have an important meeting this morning. So, are you free to look after Veer today?" He asks.

I laugh at Shaurya's cute hesitation and say, "Shaurya, on one hand, you say I am his mother and on the other hand you are hesitating to ask if his mother could take care of him. You are something."

"Sorry. It's just he has not been with you all day and I worry about you." He says and I don't know what to say, "But don't worry, I will pick him up late afternoon."

"No. You all are coming for dinner. Take him home then only. I can take care of my son for a whole day. By the way, I have to spend my life with him. And also make sure to pack everything, even the car seat. I would need it just in case I have to go out." I say.

"Okay, Mam. Anything else?" He asks.

"A thank you gift would do." I say.

"What gift do you want?" He asks and before I could say anything, he interrupts, "Except for knowing what instruments I play."

"You know me so well. Fine. I would think about it, then tell you." I say.

"Have your breakfast. I will be there soon." He says.

"One more thing. Did Veer take a bath?" I ask.

"No. I was just going to do that. Why?" He asks.

"Leave it. I will bathe him. Just bring him over." I say.

"Okay." He says.

About half an hour later, Shaurya came, and I was taking a shower. I come out in a robe and see him sitting on the bed. Our eyes meet, and we stare at each other for how long we don't know. Veer broke our trance.

"Mumma." Veer says and stands up with the support of bed and comes towards me.

I catch him before he falls and I look up to see Shaurya looking away with flustered cheeks. Frowning, I look at myself and see my robe has loosened a little, showing a little more of my chest. I tighten it a little and hold Veer properly.

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