11. Return Gift.

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Thanks for the 1K views. It made my day and also encourage me to write. 

As a return gift double update. Just like one arrow, two preys. With one title two works are done. Hope you understand.

Once again, thank you all. Keep giving your votes and comments to this. I really enjoy reading all your sweet comments.

***Shaurya's POV.***

She puts her hand under my cheek and makes me look at her and asks, "Why?"

I look up at her beautiful face and say, "Because it was unfair of only you to keep fast for me and also only for me to live long. Long life would be nothing if someone would not be there to share it with."

She blinks and her eyes trap me again in the spell of her sea-green orbs. I never would understand why I did what I did today. Priya never kept Karva Chauth fast. She would make some excuses and avoid it. And I am not the one to force someone to do something they don't want to. Keeping fast is difficult.

But when Mayra said she wants to keep fast, I can't let her go with it alone. I have always seen my parents looking after each other and making sure that they are always equal. My father has always believed that it is a myth that always one person leads the relationship and another one has to always bow down.

He has taught us that after marriage, both husband and wife are equal and both have to make adjustments needed for marriage to work. If the wife bows down once, then the husband should bow down next. So that way both of them could stay happy and both of them could say or be heard by the other one without miscommunication happening.

That's the secret of his successful marriage life. I tried to imply, but unfortunately, I was always the one who bowed down. I was okay with it, but it never satisfied my first wife. Nor did it make her happy.

But I know Mayra is not Priya. She is herself. And I want her to know this before we get married ‌that I am this type of guy. I am an all-or-nothing type of guy. I will give my everything to make something work so later on I won't regret anything. Because of not having regret in my previous relationship, it was easy for me to move on. Because I know I tried everything, but fate had a better plan. That is why I met her.


"You didn't have to do this." She says and bites her lip. My eyes have never gone there but today she looks more irresistible and more than anything she got ready for me. I can think that even if I am not sure.

"You look beautiful." I say and she blushes but then smiles.

"Thank you. But you shouldn't have kept fast." She says again.

"I wanted to." I say.

"But why?" She asks again, and I frown.

"Isn't it obvious?" I ask.

"Not to me." She says.

"Because you kept fast for me, I should do the same too. I just explained why. Also, we are equals in everything. I know that would apply after our wedding, but we are close to that point either way." I say and she nods.

"I understand now. You kept fast because you wanted to show me you would always be there for me, didn't you?. Well, that is a sweet gesture, but not needed. I already know how much you care for me. You didn't need to do something like this." She says.

"I know. But that doesn't mean you should be okay with just a few gestures. In future as a wife it should be your right to make me keep the fast so we can live together and argue about this point in detail." I say, and she chuckles.

"You are so..." She says but stops when she looks at me.

"I am what?" I ask and realise that her soft hand is still on my cheek.

"You are..." She says as I straighten and her face is right in front of me.

"I am..." I ask and feel the distance between us going away.

"Moon is here. Oh sorry, did I disturb you both?" Parth asks and I look at him to see him looking anywhere but at me.

"Thank goodness." Mayra says and rushes out, but not before I saw her cheeks red as her saree.

"Let's go Bhai. What are you waiting for?" Parth says and goes away, but then Mayra enters again.

"Let's go, Shaurya. By the way, where is Veer?" Mayra asks.

"He is with his nanny. I will pick him up and bring with me. You go down." I say.

I stand up as she rushes out again. We almost... No, it is too soon. I shake my head and forget about that thought. We need more time. More like I need more time. I take a few deep breaths and try to focus on right now. Yes, I have to go out and help Mayra with her fast. Right. I take Veer from his nanny and go to the garden.

Mayra gestures to me to hurry ‌and I give Veer to Reyansh and go to stand in front of Mayra. Both the Dadis are already done with their rituals. But Mom and Dad take spaces between Mayra and Arya to show how it is done. Mayra takes the channi and looks at the moon, then at me.

After doing the aarti, she goes to touch my feet but I stop her. I take the kalash, which has water to make her drink, but she stops me. She takes the kalash from my hand and makes me drink it first. She glares when I shake my head, but I drink it in the end, as I don't want to gather more attention than we already have.

After I drink some water, Mayra finishes the rest of the water in one go and we hear chuckles around us. I smile as I look at her relieved face. Then I feed her sweet and she feeds me back. Thank goodness nobody teased us.

We went inside to have dinner then. Mayra and I both make sure that we both are eating more than necessary. Veer doesn't want to miss out either, so he sits with us and we feed him together. I love these brief moments a lot. It makes so many happy memories that overshadow the sad ones. The time for Mehra to leave comes and I enter Arya's room to see if Mayra has everything she needs.

"Ready?" I ask and she nods.

"Where is Veer?" She asks.

"I made sure he was sleeping. He doesn't like goodbyes." I say.

"Nor do I." She says.

"But you aren't saying goodbyes. We will see you again, and this time permanently." I say and she smiles.

"You gave me a gift, but I forgot to give you one." She says.

"Your lame secret was a gift enough." I say with a grin.

"Whatever. It doesn't count as a gift." She says and looks a little nervous about something.

Even though Mayra is tall, her head still reaches my shoulder, so I bend my head a little to see what is going through her head. "Then what counts as a gift?"

"What's that?" She points to the left wall and I turn my head that way to see there is nothing.

But before I could turn and ask her what she saw, I felt soft petals like lips on my right cheek and I went still.

"I hope this counts as an appropriate return gift." Mayra whispers in my ear and runs away from there.

I don't go after her as I ‌feel my cheeks getting red. Nor do I move from the place I am standing right now. Even though I have kissed someone before, I never felt like this. How could a simple cheek kiss be so potent?

Mayra, what are you doing to me?

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