15. New Start With Smile.

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***Mayra's POV.***

I feel a brush of soft lips on my cheeks, then tiny hands caresses my hair and at last a face snuggles in my neck. I smile and put my arm around Veer and hold him close to me. It has become quite common for us to be like this for the past few days.

"Mumma." He says.

"Yes, my baby." I say.

"You should wake up now." A rough, masculine voice says.

"Veer doesn't sound like that." I ask myself.

"But Veer's Dad does." And now I realise whose voice it is.

I open my eyes and look beside me to see Shaurya on his side of the bed with a goofy grin and I ask, "What are you doing here?"

"Wow! You forgot our wedding that easily. I am hurt." He says with a sad look on his face.

"Oh! I am sorry. I am still a little sleepy. So it was hard to process it. I didn't mean to hurt you. I remember everything that happened yesterday." I say.

"I am just teasing you. Good morning, wife." He says with an iconic smile and I shake my head.

"Good morning, husband." I say with a smile.

"Gud mowing, bife. Gud mowing, band." Veer says, and we look at him in surprise, then burst out in laughter.

And that's how our first morning started with lots of smiles and I make a secret wish in my heart that it always stays like this.

While Shaurya looks after getting Veer ready in the guest room, I get ready in our room. And while I do that, I think about asking Shaurya why Veer doesn't have his own room. I mean it is okay if he sleeps with us but it would be nice if he has his own room so he could get more independent and also I want to get his room ready myself. It would be so much fun. I will discuss this with Shaurya soon.

After wearing a red saree, I go down and take the blessing of all the elders. Mom was considerate enough to inform me before the wedding only that I shouldn't wear chuda at night or if I need to practise my dance or other things. She also told me I have to call her Mom after the wedding.

The first thing that happens is the ring finding ceremony which we missed last night. Even Veer joined in, or more like, splashed us a little. Veer found it first, then I did and at last one Shaurya found it. Then 'muh dikhai' ceremony happens and Mom's few friends and family members give me various things and whisper blessings in my ear.

Then Vedant comes to pick me up and Parth insists that he should pick me up as that is the must in this ritual and Vedant obliges after Parth snickers, that he is not strong enough. I shake my head at their foolishness. Veer comes with us too. Mom does my aarti and we get in.

Shaurya comes home in the evening and Dadi Ji makes sure he is fed properly as now he is Jamai of this house, so he is a VIP after Arya. Then it was time to go to bed in my room. Shaurya has rarely entered my room, so I am kind of little nervous.

"What happened?" Shaurya asks me while Veer jumps on the bed.

"Nothing." I say and look away.

"Don't tell me you are getting nervous." He says with wide eyes.

"No." I lied.

"Mayra, stop it. You are making me uncomfortable in turn." He says, and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, I forgot that you are more shy than me." I say with a smirk.

"Are you mocking me?" He asks.

"No." I say and try to suppress my smile and turn away to take out Veer's pyjamas.

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