6. We Both Know.

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***Shaurya's POV.***

"So you are saying that you are open for Chandigarh partnership?" Kush asks.

"Yes. We want to partner up with someone who can help us and also look after our Chandigarh business." I say.

"Then I am in." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"I am looking for a change and I also have money to invest. After the wedding, I am thinking about doing something on my own. I have two cousins and for family's peace it is better if I give up on the company and make something of my own. And also Anu was thinking about doing her internship somewhere out of Shimla." Kush says.

"Well, you can send your proposal and we will look into it." I say and he nods.

"No need to do any favours, though. And definitely don't tell Mayra about this. She would kill me if she comes to know that Anu and I are planning this as we are not fixed on it yet." He says and I nod.

"I will let you surprise her, as I know she would be happy at her friend's success." I say.

Reyansh then talks about some business, and I am called by my Dad so I go to him. I talk to some of his friends and they ask me about business and about Mayra. They all know that I am now engaged to Mayra. Well, almost engaged.

As I go to see if Mayra is coming down with Veer or not, I get a call from a person which I least expected today. So instead of going up, I go behind the stairs and into the garden to talk. I pick up the call and the person on the other side sighs.

"I thought you won't pick up at all." She says.

"Priya." I say, "What do you want?"

"Straight to the point, as always." She says bitingly.

"You have five seconds before I hang up." I say, as I am not ready to spoil my mood today.

"Okay. So am I not invited to my ‌son's first birthday party? I was waiting for your call till the last second, my dear friend." She says.

"Is that why you called me? Then my answer is yes. Yes, you are not invited to my son's birthday party." I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"Do you really want to ask me that?" I ask as I rub my forehead.

"I am his mother." She literally screams on the phone.

"No, you are not." I say, and my voice sounds bitter to my own ears.

"I gave birth to him." She says.

"That does not mean you are his mother. Your duty ended after giving birth to him, Priya. After that, you showed no love to my son, nor did you care when he was in your womb." I say.

"So, who is his mother now? That infamous illegitimate girl?" She asks.

"Mind your language, Priya. She is the mother of my child, and I will not hear a word against her." I say.

"How could you do this, Shaurya? How could you? He is my child, and you are keeping him away from me." She says.

"Well, Priya, you and I both know that you don't have an ounce of love for him in your heart. We both know why that is the case too. So please don't disrupt our lives again. You are free to do whatever you want. So let us do whatever we want to do. Still, I will wish him for you." I say and hang up.

I take a deep breath and turn around, only to come face to face with Mayra and Veer. How long was she here? What did she do here? I hope she doesn't think I am keeping a child away from her son. I got to say something, but she beat me.

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