46. Birthday Preparations.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Your blood report looks normal, Mayra. Your diet plan is working nicely and so are your babies' heartbeats." Dr. Singh says as she asks the sonographer to move a little right.

"Wait for a second. Babies?" I ask, confused.

"Yes. During your last week's sonography session, I heard heartbeats but confused it with yours which is why I asked you to visit again. But as I can see now that there are two fetuses, one here another here. I am sure you are having twins." She says and I am shocked.

For the past two weeks, I have been trying my best to hide my condition from Shaurya. He is getting a little suspicious but then I distract him my way. Simple, I tell him sad stories of my past birthdays.

I know I am taking advantage of him emotionally but... I never really had a birthday party. Or even if I had it would only include two people and it will either be with my friends or Dadu. It always ended with me in tears as to why no one loved me then later on as I grew up it was all about me trying to be mature.

After I rub off the gel, I wear my palazzo again and go to the doctor's cabin and she says, "You will get your reports the day after tomorrow. And I know I will not send it to your home. But I just wanted to ask why, if you don't mind?"

"Actually I am waiting to tell my husband and my family till my birthday which is tomorrow." I say with a blush.

"Oh, you are a valentine baby." She says.

"Yes. I know it is weird to surprise him on my birthday but his birthday is so far in May and by that, I would be showing." I say with an eye roll.

"I understand." She says.

"Don't worry. Next time we will be coming together to the hospital." I say and she nods.

We discuss some things and she makes some changes to my diet and writes down some new supplements and restrictions, I have to follow. I nod along and try to keep everything in mind. But then the news of twins is spinning my head.

I only wanted one but I think God loves Shaurya more than me that I am having two kids just like he wanted. And God loves him so much that he is giving them in one go. But it won't be that bad. Shaurya is experienced and would look after me.

I smile as I think that when I bump into someone as I come out of the cabin.

"I am sorry." I say.

"No that is okay." Anu says.

"Anu?" I say.

"Mimi?" She says.

"What are you doing here?" We ask each other together.

"I am here to meet my old OB/GYN." She says, "What are you here for?"

"Research," I say the first thing that comes to my mind, "I am here for research."

"Research on how to lie to your friend in her face." She says.

"Same goes for you." I say, releasing an arrow blindly in the dark.

"Are you pregnant?" We ask together again and gasp.

"Are you?" Again.

"Yes." And again.

"So how far along are you?" She asks as she munches on a sandwich in the cafe after her check-up.

"Tenth week." I say as I take a bite of whole wheat muffin, "You?"

"Eight. I know I said we will wait but we have been together for like five years and sometimes you slip up and are lost in those beautiful passionate moments." She says with a dreamy look.

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