44. Freedom To Be Free.

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Hey everyone. Triple updates. Happy? I hope you all enjoy it and ignore any grammatical mistakes made because of my fever delusions. Please focus on the concept of the story. Want another three updates tomorrow too? If so, please don't forget to comment about what you liked about the story so far?

I love reading all of your lovely comments which inspire me to write more.

Thank you and take care.

See you tomorrow! 😊❤️

***Priya's POV.***

I take a deep breath and start to go in when a hand on my shoulder stops me. I turn around and my frown turns to smile.

"Simi, what are you doing here?" I ask and hug her.

"I have come to support my friends." She says with her ever so sweet smile, which gives me enough energy to go through what I have planned.

"Come on, every once in a while, call me your girlfriend like you used to. It makes me feel sexy." I say.

"Shut up." Simi says and lightly smacks my head.

Only she is allowed to behave like that and not get beaten. Otherwise, if it were Shaurya or Dhruv, they would be bruised by now.

"Who is with Piya then?" I ask.

"My parents." She says.

"So Dhruv's parents haven't melted yet?" I ask.

"His father did but Dhruv does not forgive easily. And he doesn't want to join the company again." She says.

"Well good for him. The man who agrees with my father doesn't come to a good conclusion." I say with an eye roll.

"So, are you really going to take Veer away from Shaurya?" She asks with hope in her eyes that her friend won't do something wrong.

"I will try. Just like Shaurya would." I say and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ears.

"Hmm... Am I interrupting something?" Dhruv asks.

"Seriously. You got a kid with her and you still think I have a chance." I say with another eye roll.

"Well you got a kid." He says with a frown.

"You are tempting me to beat you, aren't you? But you are lucky we are in court." I say and turn to go in.

"Dhruv!" Simi exclaims.

"What?" Dhruv asks.

They follow me in and I take a seat on the right side while Malhotras are on the left. Mom looks at me in annoyance and asks me with a question in her eyes that where I was. And I told her I was having lunch.

"I thought I told you to keep fast, dear. This will benefit you." She says.

"Really? Me or your husband?" I ask.

"Priya! He is your father." She says.

"Yay-uh!" I scoff and look in the front.

I thought about this for a long time and what I am going to do today would literally change everything or maybe it will give me a chance to know what it is like to be free.

The judge enters the room pissed and so does my father but with a smug smile. I sigh. This is going to be easier now. I smile to myself.

"Everything is going to be done within half an hour. So better behave and say what the lawyer told you to say. If you don't remember, here." He says and gives me a paper of speech which the lawyer and my dear father prepared together, "Memorize it."

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