34. New Year's Gift.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Yes, Mom. We are fine. But I called you for some good news." I say as I look at the cutest baby through the glass.

"Oh, my goodness! Are you having a baby?" She asks me.

"No, Mom. But your other son had a baby." I say.

"What? Who is it? Reyansh or Parth? Jagvi didn't look like she was pregnant. Then how?" She asks.

"No, Mom. I am talking about Dhruv." I say.

"Oh, my goodness! My son became a father. Is it a girl or boy?" She asks me in excitement.

"It is a girl, and she is so cute." I say.

"I am coming there right now to meet them." Mom says.

"Mom, don't come at this time. We are here with them." I say.

"What do you mean, you are there for them? Isn't their family with them?" She asks me and I tell her everything which I have heard so far.

"Oh, my poor Dhruv! Wait a minute, he didn't tell me about it. This boy. I will see him tomorrow. You take care, dear, and keep me updated. Okay? And don't worry about Veer. He is sleeping with us tonight." She says.

"Okay, Mom." I say, then hang up.

"Excuse me." A nurse says and I turn to her, "Can you bring these medicines and injections?"

"Sure." I say and go towards the pharmacy.

On my way, I find Dhruv and Shaurya talking in the canteen. I hope that tonight they will solve their misunderstanding and become friends again. I don't disturb them and leave from there silently. After the baby's neonatal care is done, I follow them to Simi's room.

"How is she?" She asks me.

"She looks good." I say.

The doctor comes and congratulates the new mother and a staff member brings pink balloons and ties to the bed's end as the doctor says, "She is the first baby in this new year and a wonderful omen. Because our hospital just got approval for bringing new technologies for operation."

"I don't believe in good or bad omen related to babies. But I would say that my girl is a lucky omen for us as she did something I wasn't able to do. Bring two good friends back together." Simi says and looks at me with a smile.

"You take some rest. I will watch over her." I say.

"Thanks." She says.

Dhruv and Shaurya don't come back for an hour and when they do, they look... lost. But Shaurya and Dhruv behave friendly, which is good. Dhruv proudly shows off his daughter to Shaurya, and he gushes over her.

"Thanks for tolerating me during the drive and for making us reach here safely. I wouldn't have been that careful if I were you." Dhruv says.

"That's okay. By the way, congratulations." I say and shake his hand.

"Thank you." Dhruv says.

"You should take some rest." Shaurya says.

"I know. But I will stay here." Dhruv says.

"No. You are going home. And you too, Mayra." Shaurya says.

"Wait, a second. I am the baby's father." Dhruv says.

"And I am the baby's uncle." Shaurya says.

"Stop it, both of you. Simi is resting and I will stay here while you both go home. Our home. Got it? I can stay awake the whole night and keep a watch on both of them. Now go. No arguments." I say.

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