28. Romantic Morning.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"I wuv you."

I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed with a start, and that was my biggest mistake. Because the next second my head was hurting like hell.

"Ouch!" I say, "Damn it, stop hurting."

"Well, if it was possible to just ask the pain to go away, what a painless world it would be. Right?" Shaurya asks and his sweet voice feels like needles, which hurts my brain more.

"Please don't talk." I say and press my hand on my head.

"Here." I look up to see Shaurya giving me a glass of water, "Drink this while I prepare coffee for you. A very strong one at that, I think."

I chug down the whole glass and get enough strength to get up from bed, "I will take a shower first."

"That would be a good idea, Wifey." He says with a wink and I look at him weirdly.

I shake my head and wince again, "Damn it."

I take the hot shower and sigh in relief. As I go to take my clothes, I realize I forgot to take one. Agh! I am never drinking again. The first time I drank, it didn't happen like this. Why this time? I should have more courage to talk to Shaurya than get drunk.

I wear the black fluffy robe and come out of the bathroom hesitantly when I hear the phone ring. It is Shaurya's. I pick up but the person hangs up. I open his phone as I know his password is Veer's birth date, but I blush when I see he has put my picture on the screen, which he took at the wedding reception.

The call was from some unknown number, so I blocked it and tried to go home but clicked on the recent button by mistake and one of the open apps caught my eye. And as soon as I opened it, my eyes widened in shock and everything that I did last night came back to me, shaming me more. Before I could delete my weird pictures, Shaurya snatched the phone from my hand.

"What are you doing?" Shaurya asks.

"Give me the phone back." I say and try to take it from him, but obviously I can't as he is two inches taller than me. I should have done more cycling.

I stomp on my foot while he grins and says, "You have all the rights over my phone, but you can't delete anything."

"Those are my pictures." I say as I glare at him.

"I know. These are my wife's pictures." He says.

"But still-" I say, but he stops me.

"I took them with your permission. Actually, you insisted. See how you complied?" He says and shows me some ‌pictures he took.

"Oh, my gosh!" I gasp and cover my face but still see through my fingers. "But that doesn't count. I was drunk."

"Yes, I know." He says with a blank look.

"Are you angry?" I ask, getting concerned.

"Yes. But on myself. You got drunk because of me. I am sorry for leaving you here alone." He says.

"That's okay. But I will forgive you only if you give me your phone." I say with a pout.

"So sly. But no. I am not giving it to you." He says.

"Shaurya!" I exclaim and try to get it from him and run behind him.

"Give up, Mayra." Shaurya says tauntingly.

"Never." I say, "You are gonna regret this. Don't blame me if you get hurt now."

"What do you mean? Ouch, Mayra!" He says when I kick the back of his leg and he falls back on the bed.

"Now give it to me." I say as I pin him down by my weight.

"No." He says and puts the phone inside his t-shirt in the back.

"Shaurya!" I say with wide eyes and try to find it with my hands. "Aha! Got it."

But as soon as I look at Shaurya to gloat to him about my success, I realize my position. My face is so close to his and my hands are under his t-shirt. His cheeks are flushed, but his eyes are running down my face and have stopped at my lips.

"Last night, you said something right before we kissed. Did you recall it?" He asks, looking into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I look away.

"That means you ‌remember. Well, I have an answer to it." He says and puts his hand on my cheek, "I don't know the actual definition of love, but if your heart melts just by looking at the person, if you are eager to meet that person, if you keep thinking about ways to make that person happy, if you just want to hold them in your arms and if you just like them a lot more than anyone and if that is the definition of love. Then I wuv you, too." He says with a smile that's melting my heart.

"Three words and this much big lecture." I mumble under my breath.

"At least I didn't get drunk and told Parth that I will kidnap his bride on the wedding night." He says teasingly.

"Shaurya! You are such-" I forgot what I was going to say as soon as he kissed me.

I forget the phone and the coffee. I also forgot what I was wearing. The only thing I remembered after that was his touch and his kisses. One thing led to another, and we couldn't stop the feelings we were suppressing for the past few weeks. They all came back flooding and forced us to show it to each other in such a beautiful way.

We lay there in bed as the sun finally came to melt the snow and I tried to contain these precious moments in my memory. Shaurya looks at me as one tear slips from my eye. He wipes it off and kisses my shoulder.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks in concern.

"No. It was for a while, but then it was beautiful. Why did I wait for so long?" I ask myself more than him, and he chuckles.

He lays back on the bed and says, "Can I say something if it doesn't hurt your feelings and spoil this moment?"

I look at him and sit up a little and say, "You can never hurt me. So just out with whatever is bothering you."

"Promise me you won't laugh or judge me." He says looking a little shy.

"I won't." I say.

"If I can, I will count this one as my first time, too." He says.

"What do you mean? I mean, you and Priya were married for two years." I say and feel a kind of jealous that I wasn't his first, too.

"Like I said one time, Priya and my relationship weren't like that. We only spent one night together, and I was so drunk. I don't even remember it. But I ‌know there were no feelings and meaning to it. The only good outcome was Veer. I have always thought about that. I am sorry. The lecture started again. I shouldn't have said anything." He says.

Sometimes I get curious about what actually happened between Shaurya and Priya. I find their married life weird. There is something Shaurya is hiding from me and if he has not told me anything yet, that must mean that it is not his truth only.

I give him a chaste kiss on the lips and say, "That means I am second first. And also you can make it up to me and present me with breakfast in bed, then I might forgive you."

"What do you want to eat?" He asks.

"Something cliches." I say, and he raises his brows. "Something with a heart shape."

"Should I give mine instead?" He says and shows me his broad chest.

"Sorry, but I am not a cannibal." I say, "And also I am hungry for something spicy. You are too sweet."

"Oh, really. I will show you some real spice." He says and pounces on me.

"Shaurya, stop it." I say, but a minute later I say the opposite of those words.

This way we spend a romantic morning in the bed together where we laugh, eat and make love to each other.

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