48. Best Day Ever.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Huppy, huppy." Veer says again.

"I know, Veer. We are happy too." Parth says and takes Veer from Shaurya while he loses his balance.

"Shaurya, are you okay?" I ask.

"Just a little dizzy." He says.

"Oh, you are not feeling nauseous, are you?" I ask.

"No." He says.

"Good. You saved yourself from eating one whole tier of cake from your face. At least tell me you are happy." I say.

"Say it. Say it." Ramya encourages him and I glare at her, "Or not say it. Whatever. Wow! I am going to be Masi of two kids in just half a year. What an achievement?"

"Seriously." Reyansh says.

"Not two." I say and turn back to Shaurya, "Three. We are having twins, dear."

And that does it. My husband faints right there in my arms.

I ask others to keep the party going for the guests while Mom and I try to wake him up. I spray some water on his face and lightly slap his face. He opens his eyes and looks at me. Mom excuses herself to give us some privacy.

He sits up and says, "Was it all dream?"

"No." I say looking away with a pout.

I feel his hand on my stomach and I look back at him to see his eyes shining with tears as he says, "Oh my god! This is the best day ever."

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course it is. Your birthday plus two more kids coming on the way." He says and looks speechless.

"Oh, I was dying to tell you this Shaurya." I say and hug him.

"You were. Wait a second." He says and grabs me by the arms and asks, "How long have you known?"

"One week." I say.

"One week." He says and nods.

"And one month." I say sheepishly.

"One month!" He exclaims, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because we were going through the court case and I didn't want you to be stressed." I say.

"Strees? If anything it would have been a huge stress buster." He says.

"I know but I wasn't sure about it and also nothing is fixed until my reports were all clear. It was too early." I say, "Also I wanted to surprise you. Think about this I was thinking of giving you a surprise on my birthday. Isn't it generous of me?"

He looks at me with a blank look for a second then runs his hand through his hair and says, "I am sorry. What happened, happened. But now we can move past that and focus on ourselves. I am going to be a father again and Veer a big bro. I love you so much."

He kisses me suddenly and I smile and kiss him back. In the end, things turn out to be well. We rejoin the party after some touch-ups and everybody cheers for us. Elders give me blessings and both of my mothers shower me with so much love.

"Hey, Mimi." Anu says and kisses my cheek.

"Hey, Anu." I say, "Did you tell him?"

"No. But I have a blasting plan on how to tell him." She says and smiles evilly.

"Okay. So are we talking about shock or major attack?" I ask as we plan something.

"Ladies and gentlemen get ready to rock and roll." Parth says on the mic and I look up to see Dad, Kush, and Parth and his team on a stage with their band.

The punk music starts and Anu and I squeal in happiness while Shaurya hovers around us to see if we are enjoying it. I get so pumped up that I join them and sing my favorite song of all time. I thought people would cringe but they are enjoying it a lot.

"Thank you for this gift Dad and Parth." I say.

"Hey! What about me?" Kush asks.

"You are already getting a baby. So what is the need for the thanks?" I ask with a smile.

"What?" He asks and the mic falls from his hands and he turns into a statue.

I get down the stage and high-five Anu and she says, "That was good, babe."

"I know." I say with a chuckle.

It takes him more time than Shaurya to let the news sink in while Anu and I enjoy the food, especially the special chicken tikka and kheer that Mom made for us. But the highlight of the party was my son.

"Huppy, huppy." He says as I look at him with a cheek hurting smile as he shakes his booty on the dance floor.

"Oh my gosh! Quick, someone take a picture. No, a video please." I say.

"They are." Shaurya assures me.

"Aww! Did you teach him that?" I ask when Veer beats his feet on the floor rapidly like I do when I dance.

"Yes, and it was not difficult. He got this talent from his Mom for sure." He says.

"Huppy, huppy dan." He says and runs towards me and tugs at my dress asking me, "Mumma, huppy, huppy. Come."

"Okay. Is this why he was doing huppy, huppy all night?" I ask.

"You don't how many lengths I have to go stop him from giving you spoilers." He says and I giggle.

We dance with Veer on the floor until he lays down on my gown after getting tired. Shaurya goes up to put him in bed while I thank everyone for coming and for the gifts as they leave.

"Mayra. You should sit down. We can handle this all." Mom scolds me when I go to pick up Veer's shoes.

"Yes dear, it is not good to bend when you are carrying." My Mom says.

"Okay. I understand." I say.

"Mayra, you should go to bed. You must be tired." Dad says and I nod.

As I go upstairs, I stop and say, "Can you send the red velvet cake, Mom? I am feeling a little hungry."

"Only for today. From tomorrow onwards, I am going to be strict about your diet." She says.

"Okay." I say and Parth accompanies me upstairs so I don't fall because of my dress.

After I get changed, I see Shaurya on the bed with cake and medicine. And it is surrounded by so many gifts.

"Where did you find those?" I ask pointing at the medicine.

"It was not hard but I kept my silence because you should have privacy too." He says.

"It was stupid of me to hide it in Veer's toys." I say.

"Not that much. Now eat this so you can take medicine." He says.

"Yes, boss." I say with a salute.

"Mayra?" He asks as later I lay in his arms and he caresses my arm.

"Hmm." I say as I admire the ring he gifted me.

"Did you get any picture?" He asks.

"No." I say.

"Why?" He asks in astonishment.

"I wanted to make you hear their heartbeats and feel what I felt and look at them with me. You were not there so I wasn't able to fully enjoy it." I say.

"Then tomorrow we will have another ultrasound and take a picture home to show others. Okay?" He asks.

"Fine." I say.

After a few minutes, he says, "Is there something you want to tell me, Mayra?"

"Yes." I say.

"What is it?"

I take a deep breath and say, "I called Hazel, my birth mother. She said she would come to meet me next month."

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes. I want closure before starting my life with my sweet husband and even sweeter family and beautiful children." I say.

"Thank you." He says and I smile as I slip into slumber.

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