14. Cute Wedding.

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***Mayra's POV.***

Next day, Shaurya comes to drop me and Veer at home. My family scolds me a little, but then they understand that Veer needed me more. Dadi insists Shaurya to have breakfast then go, but he says he has to get ready too, so he leaves and Veer misses him a lot even for three hours.

I know these few days must be more confusing for him as he didn't know where to go, but from tomorrow onwards, he doesn't have to struggle anymore. Veer would not have to choose whom he wants more. He would have both Shaurya and me with him whenever he wants.

I get ready in a short sleeve salwar of maroon color for mehendi and go down. While I have mehendi drawn on my hands, Veer stays with his Bade Nanu, which means my Dadu. Ramya and Anu dance on sangeet together and Arya and Vedant, too. While Parth plays guitar and impresses us all.

Shaurya feeds me lunch and Parth and Ramya leave no chance to tease us. After they leave, pooja begins and then kirtan happens. It goes on for a long time until it is 4 in the morning, then everyone goes to sleep.

Next day, after getting only three hours of sleep, I get up for Haldi and my sleep is totally gone. Ramya and Anu splash me with cold water that came from the temple. I return the favor, too. Then Vedant and Arya do my chuda ceremony and other ceremonies.

I go to get Veer ready first, but Ramya pushes me to my room and says that Veer is taking a nap and she will get him ready when he wakes up. Then people come in to get me ready and it takes almost three hours for this simple wedding, all thanks to Ramy and Anu. But Arya was not innocent either, as she was busy with decoration, which was not simple, too.

As I sit in the room alone, I look at myself in the mirror. The lehenga is a white ‌with golden embroidery. I always dreamed of dressing in one just like this. Girls dream about their bridal lehenga more than the wedding. Well, I was from one of those silly dreamers, too.

The door opens slightly and in comes Veer in white sherwani with floral print and golden light golden dhoti, along with a bouquet and Mom. I take the bouquet of white roses and tulips from him and he hugs me tightly.

"Why this?" I ask Mom.

"You should follow both the traditions. I know you chose white for that purpose only." She says, and I am surprised she realized that.

"Thank you." I say.

"Ready to go down. Because I am given the duty of walking you down to the wedding mandap." She says, and I feel my eyes welling up.

"I am." I say and Mom takes my one arm, which holds a bouquet in hers while I hold Veer's hand in another one.

Then we go down. Parth picks up Veer in his arms as soon as we are down and I look up to see Shaurya standing and waiting for me with a smile. I smile back as I feel such a rush of positivity right now. Mom puts my hand in his and he helps me up on the mandap. Then the wedding ceremony begins after the varmala ceremony, which includes white flowers too.

The mantras are chanted as family and friends look over at us with a smile. Then Dadu and Dadi do my kanya daan. Dadu kisses my forehead and says, "Shaurya, she is the first girl child we had in centuries and I was unaware of it for a long time. But when I first picked her in my arms, I promised to make up for the lost time and give her all the love she deserves. I want you to promise me that whatever happens in life, you must never leave her hand. Because I know she is loyal to a fault and would never leave your hand."

"I promise, Dada Ji. Please be rest assured. From now on, Mayra and I are equal partners in life who would be there for each other in happy and sad moments both." Shaurya says and Dadu pats his head and my cheek.

Then Ramya ties the knot and we take seven circles around the holy fire and make vows to each other. Shaurya holds my hand as we do that and I look at Veer, who is enjoying throwing flower petals at us and giggles. Then Shaurya ties a mangal sutra around my neck, and the pendant looks like a snowflake with tiny diamonds. Then he fills the sindoor in my hair parting. And we are married.

The tough part is over, that's what I thought, but an even tougher one came. We spent the next two hours doing a photoshoot, and I did most of it because I was eager to take pictures of Veer and him with his father. Reyansh and Parth can't find Shaurya's shoes and it confused even Arya as she was in charge of it.

"I knew you would turn out to be a traitor, BB. So I hid it." Ramya says with a big smile.

"Ramya!" Arya says.

"I understand your situation. Your brothers must have emotionally blackmailed you, but I forgive you for that. Now then Jiju, ready to make a deal. And I will tell you, I am a hardcore businesswoman who only thinks of her profit. So you better accept this deal and implement it, otherwise you would walk on ice from here on." Ramya says with a serious look, which we rarely see on her face.

"I am ready. What do you want?" He asks, getting more serious.

"Fine. Here is the list." She says, handing him a bunch of papers from her pocket which open up to show such a long list.

"Ramya, stop joking." Ruha Ji says.

"It is no joke, Mom. So do you agree?" She asks Shaurya.

He smiles as he reads, "I agree to do all of this."

"Good. Then sign it here." She says.

"Which property papers are they of?" Reyansh asks.

"It is not a property paper." Shaurya says as he signs it, then looks at me and says, "It is a deal to obey these rules to keep someone happy for a long time."

I look at some points in the papers and feel my eyes well up. I hug Ramya and she says, "Just because we were away from each other for all these years, that doesn't mean I don't know what makes you happy the most. I told you if you will protect me, I will give my love."

"But when did I ever protect you?" I ask her.

"Didn't you teach yourself self defense for me then tried to teach me with no excellent result? But you doing all that hard work assured me more than anything. I love you, big sis. So don't even think for a second that I won't invade your sasural if I am in trouble or I just get in the mood to annoy you." She says.

"I love you too, Rami." I say and kiss her cheek.

"No, geez. My makeup." She says and everyone around us chuckles.

Ramya takes out one shoe from her pocket and so does Anu and Shaurya, finally gets his shoes back. Then I throw the bouquet and ‌Ramya catches it. We have an early dinner together and finally the time for bidai comes. I don't feel like crying much because I am meeting them soon and also I am too sleepy to do that. And I think my family understands that, that is why they send me off with a smile.

When we reach Malhotra's house, my now mother-in-law does our aarti while Shaurya holds sleeping Veer in his arms. Then I lightly kick the kalash of rice and put my feet in plate kumkum water and walk on the white cloth. As it is already very late, Dadi Ji asks us to rest and will do other rituals tomorrow at auspicious time.

We go upstairs and Shaurya lays Veer in the middle of the bed and says, "I will be back in a few minutes with water. Do you need anything?"

"No, I am fine." I say and yawn.

"Why don't you get changed and go to sleep? You look very exhausted." He says.

"I am going to do just that." I say and yawn again and remove all of my jewelry.

I was smart enough to wear shorts under my lehenga, as I knew I would find it hard to move when I would get sleepy. So after taking out my sweatshirt from my bag and wearing it, I crash on the bed beside Veer.

I feel Shaurya speaking something in the distance, but I am out like a light. But a smile came to my face as I enjoyed my simple yet cute wedding a lot.

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