41. Time To Wait.

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Hey everyone. A long chapter for you. Now the next update would be uploaded at 27th of April as my exams are starting from tomorrow. I hope you will understand.

 I will make it up to you guys with two chapter updates daily and from the beginning of May, you will get to read Ramya and Reyansh's story, too. So be ready.

Thanks for the support. Keep reading and enjoying. And please do take care of yourself.

***Mayra's POV.***

"I have been thinking about it, but..." I say.

"You know you should meet her." He says.

"Not now. Maybe when we are done with this problem, I can decide." I say.

"As you wish." He says.

"What are you going to do in court?" I ask.

"I don't know, but what I do know is I can't let Veer go again. This is his home, and this is where he will stay, whatever it takes." He says and I nod.

As we talk, Veer sits up and looks around and when he doesn't see us as we are behind him, he starts crying. We rush to him and try to calm him down. That night, we held each other close as we fell asleep.

Next day, we went to court to get official papers to keep Veer with us. Shaurya may have little trust in Priya's words but he definitely doesn't trust her parents who would go to any length to take Veer away from us.

"Veer, do you wanna go to the park? We will play in the snow." I say as I fix his monkey cap to cover his ears then kiss his head.

"Park." He says and does his bhangra which he learned from Bhai.

"Good boy." I say and kiss him again and he giggles.

"Do you really think it is a good idea to go out?" Shaurya asks.

"Yes. Veer needs to forget about the stuff that happened and for that he needs to have fun with his Mumma and Dadda. Also we can not do anything until we get dates for the hearing. Till then let's just enjoy our days with Veer like we always do." I say.

"You are right. But no more than an hour. He just got better." He says.

"Did you hear what Dadda said? One hour only, Veer." I say.

"Two." He says showing two fingers.

"Hey! Don't demand things like that buddy." Shaurya says.

"Two. Two. Two." Veer starts chanting.

"Mayra, would you say something?" Shaurya asks.

"Sure. Two. Two Two." I say and giggle with him.

"Who can win when you are both in one team? I want someone in my team too." He says with a wink.

"Shut up." I say with blush.

Shaurya and I take Veer to a park and play with him for more than two hours. We make angels in the snow, have a snowball fight and drink hot coco too. I took so many pictures of us. When I see Veer helping bring more snow to Shaurya in his little hands to make a snowman, I point the camera at them and take the picture.

I caress the screen which holds my loves and look up at their smiling faces. I pray to God at that moment to do what is right and keep Veer's smile safe at any cost.

"Mumma, hep." Veer says.

"You are getting lazy, Mayra. Help us." Shaurya says.

"Seriously, Shaurya. You will not get to see any of the pictures that I took." I say.

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