26. A Small Getaway.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Hmm... My daughter is learning fast." Mom says, and I smile.

"Thank you, Mom." I say.

"It is very good." Dad praises me too.

"Thank you, Dad." I say.

"Bhabhi, pass me some more sabzi." Parth says and I do so.

"It is good that you are here. I actually have to go to Manali tomorrow, as I have some work there." Shaurya says as he serves me one more roti, even after I refuse.

"Then why don't you both go? It would be good for you." Mom says with excitement.

"But how can I leave Veer alone?" I ask.

"Because he would not be alone. Your Dad and I are here and so is Parth. And do not forget, we have guards too." Mom says give Bea a cute look. She has become Mom's favorite.

"Yes, Coco is very active these days." Dad says and looks at Coco, who is curled around his feet.

"They mean actual guards who are outside." Parth says, "And you should go. It would be like a small honeymoon."

"Parth!" Mom scolds him.

"What? I was just doing my duty as a Devar. To tease my Bhai and Bhabhi." Parth says while I look away, blushing.

"I won't mind. I would really like some company rather than going all alone." Shaurya says, looking at me.

"So that's it. You both are going tomorrow. But when will you be back?" Mom asks.

"We will be back by night." Shaurya says, and I sigh.

"Okay. Then we can go." I say.

"Good. I will make some snacks for you." Mom says with a big smile.

We thought of informing our parents about the incident as it is better if it came from us than some other source. So they came to meet us as soon as possible. It was a relief to have them around, as I missed them a lot.

As December is coming to an end, so is Shaurya's work here. We would soon leave for Shimla. Our legal formalities for me to be Veer's primary custody holder are almost done and we have to be present in court for the last procedure. So we are thinking about leaving with them soon.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?" Shaurya asks.

"Yes." I say and close the bathroom door.

"Then promise me you won't feel guilty about enjoying it." He says.

"I promise I won't feel guilty." I say.

"How would I know you are telling me the truth?" He asks narrowing his eyes.

I look at him with 'are you serious look' and he gives a sly smile and I understand what he wants. I lay on the bed beside him and kiss him and say, "Now you believe me that I won't feel guilty about enjoying the trip. Actually, I wanted to go somewhere with you. It has been a while since we had some time with each other."

"I felt that, too. I know we are parents and we have to think about our kid first. But it is not wrong to think about us too. He would understand if his parents took some time for themselves. How else would we give him siblings?" Shaurya asks with a chuckle, but then he realizes what he said.

Shaurya and I talked about so many things, but we never really talked about having another kid. But there were reasons for it. First, we are still newly married. Second, we have Veer. And last, we never actually thought about it. But now that I think about it, I won't mind having one more kid. Just one. But what about Shaurya?

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