42. Old Time Sake.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Which color looks intimidating on me, Mayra?" Shaurya asks me as I wear my earrings.

"This one." I say and point at a shirt.

"Pink. Priya would laugh at me and say, "Do you want matching nail polish, Shaurya?". No way. Wearing pink for you is different." He says.

"You are acting like a baby. Wear anything." I say.

"But-" Shaurya says.

"But nothing. Just get ready, Shaurya. We invited her for dinner. We don't want to be late for it." I say and take out a blue shirt for him, "Here, wear this while I check on Veer."

"Fine." He says with a sigh.

I went down and saw Veer playing with Piya. The naming ceremony happened two days ago and Priya came for it. We talked about dinner. It was tough, but when Simi insisted, she said yes. Simi and Dhruv would be moving back to their home the day after tomorrow as her parents are coming over.

Dhruv finally took Shaurya's help and is now working in their company. Simi and I were glad to see our husbands' friendships flourish again.

"Veer." I say when Piya starts crying out of nowhere and he runs from here to there funnily.

"Mumma. Pia." Veer says and tugs at my dupatta.

"I know. She is fine." I say and Simi takes Piya in her arms.

"She must be getting hungry and sleepy too. She has been playing with Veer for an hour now." Simi says.

"Veer likes playing with her." I say and wrap my arms around Veer.

"So you are ready to go?" Simi asks.

"Yes." I say.

"All the best." She says.

"Thanks." I say.

I take Veer to Dadi Ji's room and go back to my room to see my husband looking handsome as ever.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod.

We take the car and he drives it towards the restaurant where we are supposed to be meeting Priya. As soon as we reach there, we are shown to our reserved table.

"She is late." Shaurya says the fifth time.

"She must be stuck in traffic." I say and drink some water.

"How would you know that?" He asked me.

"Because it is January and snow is pretty harsh this time of the year." I say.

"What does that have to do with her being late and in traffic?" He asks.

"I didn't know that my dear husband becomes stupid when he impatient." I say and glare at him.

"Let's order something. I am getting hungry." He says.

"Okay." I say.

"I hope I am not interrupting a date, am I?" Priya says as she joins us.

"You are late." Shaurya says as I ask the waiter for menus.

"It is a snowy day and I live in the city so traffic bothers me more than you." She says and takes the menu.

Shaurya looks at me and I give him 'I told you so' look. We make an order and wait. Not only for food but someone to break the conversation first.

"So, you wanted to talk? What is it about?" Priya asks first.

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