16. Sweet Sasural.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Mom." I say after a few seconds while she shows me what is kept where, in the kitchen.

"What, dear? Are you confused about what to make? Why don't you start with simple things like kheer?" She asks.

"I would have, Mom, but there is a problem." I say.

"You don't know how to make kheer, dear? Then what about halwa?" She asks, then turns to Uma to take out ingredients for that.

"No." I say and try to stop them.

"Not that too. Then there is only one option left, phirni." She says.

"Mom, there is something I haven't told you which I should have before the wedding." I say.

"What, dear?" Mom asks, as she gets worried.

"I... I can't... I can't cook." I say with my eyes closed and there is a few seconds of pin drop silence.

"Okay." She says and I finally open my eyes and instead of seeing a disappointed look, I see her blank face.

"I can't cook, Mom. Are you not disappointed by that?" I ask in confusion.

"Oh, my goodness! Were you sweating so nervously for that? I thought you don't like me or something." She says with a sigh of relief.

"Why wouldn't I like you? You are the sweetest mother-in-law I could ever ask for. You were the half of the reason I got married in this family as I would spend more time with you than anyone else." I say.

"Oh, dear. You are such a sweet child. I am so lucky to get you as my daughter." She says with another sigh and hugs me, and I hug her back.

"So it is not a problem that I can't cook?" I ask nervously, as I think ‌highly of her.

"Of course not, dear. Cooking is not that important. Still..." She says and goes into a thought.

"Still?" I ask.

"Can you make khichdi?" She asks.

"Yes. I can make anything with rice, but flour is not something I could do anything with." I say.

"What about Maggi?" She asks.

"I have made 100 versions of it by now." I say with a head held high.

"So how can you say you can't cook? Now I am relieved that at least you could make something when you are alone. But when my son is with you, he can take care of the kitchen duties." She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes. Why do you think I trained my son to cook? I did so because he can serve his wife properly. And also he was interested in it as he used to look after his siblings, especially Parth, who is always hungry." She says with a proud look.

"What's going on, Kavya?" Dad says as he enters the kitchen.

"Nothing. Just getting to know my daughter a little more." She says, "But what are you doing here?"

"Oh! Ask the maids to make it less spicy today as Badi Bua is coming, too. She wanted to meet Mayra and give her miracle blessing to the new couple. Apparently it is her belief that a marriage without her blessing is determined to fail." Dad says.

"I think she is not wrong." Mom says.

"Please don't tell me you believe in those superstitions?" Dad asks with a frown.

"Look, I believe blessings from elders are always good. That's all." She says.

"By the way, what was happening here?" Dad asks.

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