18. She Is Back.

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Sorry, I didn't update yesterday as I got ill. I am still suffering a little from cold. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I will update regularly, as I love when my reader appreciates my work. Please do write comments. I love to read every one of them and it also helps me a lot.

Thank you.

***Shaurya's POV.***

"Congratulations, Kush." I say and shake his hand.

"Thanks." He says and takes the gift from me.

"The reception is going well." I say.

"All thanks to my bestie." Anu says.

"Where is she, anyway? We are supposed to get pictures clicked with you?" I ask.

"There she is. Mimi, come na. Pictures. Come." Anu yells out to Mayra and Kush tries to tell not to yell as people are staring at her, "It is my wedding reception. I yell or create nuisance, what do they have to do? Almost all of them are here to eat pani puri and pizza only."

"Anu!" Kush exclaims.

"You are not wrong, Anu." I say and she nods.

"Shaurya! Don't encourage her." He says and I chuckle, "But I am also getting hungry for some pizza."

Mayra comes on the stage and I try to catch my breath as she looks breathtaking in pink sharara. She comes to stand with Anu, and I can't take my eyes away from her. Kush elbows me and I look at his teasing smile and shake my head. We get some pictures clicked and go down to have dinner.

I can't believe half a month has passed since we got married. We are still in our comfortable friend zone and it is good too, but sometimes I feel a little distance between us because of it too. She and I have been a lot busy during this time and don't get enough time to talk with each other. So I am thinking of taking Mayra out on a date soon. It would be good for us.

"Shaurya, I heard ‌Reyansh would go to Chandigarh soon?" Mayra asks me as she serves me some sabzi.

"Yes. Actually I was going to go but then Dad said I just got married and should stay here with you as your job is here, so we decided on sending Reyansh there to deal with the partnership with Kush." I say.

"Oh!." She says and looks a little stressed.

"Why? Is something wrong with Reyansh going there?" I ask.

"It is just that Jagvi lives there and soon she will get married. I don't want Reyansh to be there all alone when that happens. Is it not possible to send him afterwards?" She asks.

"I will talk to Dad and see what we can to delay this. Till then, please don't worry and enjoy this reception with your husband, who was waiting for a chance to spend some time with his wife." I say and put a bowl of her favorite rasmalai on her plate.

She smiles and says, "Fine."

I put my arms around her shoulder, and we walked to the table. We talk about what happened recently in our lives and try to catch up with each other. She told me she is given time to think about a new post in her academy and she is thinking about taking it. While I tell her about how we will open a new branch of Malhotra industry in textiles soon.

Next day, I wear my tie and ask Mayra, "Are you free tonight?"

"Yes. It is Sunday. And unlike you, I get a holiday." She says teasingly.

"I am sorry. I promised to take you both out, but not until this partnership process is over, I would be totally free. Believe me when I say I really want to just ditch it and come with you both to enjoy the holiday. You don't know how jealous I got when I saw the pictures you sent me last time." I say, and Veer and Mayra nod along in teasing again.

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