40. Reminiscing The Past.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"What happened?" Shaurya asks.

"It was when I was fifteen and it was the last day of our school before summer vacation and also inter-school competition too..." I say as I reminisce about the past.

***Twelve Years Ago***

"Mayra baby, you have a call from your friend." Our head maid, Jassi di, calls me out.

"Yes, I am coming." I say and turn off the music.

As I run down the stairs, I hear my ghungaroo and realize I forgot to remove it. I take the phone from Jassi Di and thank her.

"What is it, Anu?" I ask.

"I can't do it." She says.

"What you can't do?" I ask.

"I can't let Shruti become Radha to my Krishna, I mean Kush." She says.

"Okay. So what are you going to do?" I ask.

"I am going to distract her and take her place as Radha." She says.

"That would be a terrible idea." I say.

"Why?" She whines.

"First because you can't sing, dear. And second you are kind of an over-expressive person." I say.

"Hey!" She says, "You are right."

"That I know. But what about after the performance we all go to that new cafe. I'll leave you both alone for a few minutes." I say.

"Really?" She asks.

"I can at least do that for my bestie." I say.

"I knew you loved me more. Take that Kush." She says.

"Sometimes I am really confused if you like him or hate him." I say.

"I definitely like him but when it comes to you, I want you to like me more. Okay, I will see you tomorrow. All the best for your performance." She says.

"You too for your quiz competition." I say then hang up.

I turn around to see Mom looking at me then she says, "At what time is it?"

"At 9." I say.

"Isn't it too early?" She asks, confused.

"They are going to hold a party for faculty in the evening so..." I say.

"When is your performance?" She asks.

"Around 11 I guess." I say.

"I will leave Balu Bhai to pick you up then." She says and leaves.

Wait a second, does that mean she will come?

Still being confused, I went back to my room to practice. Next day, I get ready in my school uniform and Jassi Di helps me pack my bag.

"Baby Ji, this one has salad and this one has snacks. Don't eat snacks before performance otherwise you would feel nauseous. Also this bottle has glucose and this one has juice." She says and I look at my bag in astonishment.

"Jassi Di, I am going to school not border that you packed so much stuff. And don't worry about snacks. After school, my friends and I are going to a new cafe." I say.

"Did she even take permission for it?" Dadi asks as she reads some book on the couch.

"She asked me." Dadu says as he comes with a bowl in his hand, "Here."

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