43. The Decision Day.

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***Mayra's POV.***

"Mayra, I am leaving for the office. Our hearing is after lunch. So we will have lunch together. Okay?" Shaurya asks as he picks up his bag.

"Okay." I say.

"But if you still don't feel well, you can stay in." Shaurya says and cups my cheeks in his enormous hands.

"I am fine. It was a minor food poisoning." I say sheepishly.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the doctor?" He asks.

"No. Because I took my medicine and I am already feeling way better." I say.

"Good. Now give me a kiss so I can win the world." He says and I smile.

"You already won me, then why would you need the world?" I ask teasingly.

"That's also true. Then just kiss me." He says with his sweet smile.

"Okay." I say with a giggle.

I wave at him as leaves the room and lays back on the bed. I couldn't do it. I can not tell Shuarya that I am pregnant and maybe we should abort it to keep our son with us. It doesn't I don't love Veer, it is just that I just can't do it. It would be unfair to Shaurya and Veer both.

When I think about this baby, I feel a surge of love not because I would become a mother but because I am already a mother. But this baby would have so many things unlike its mother. It would have a big loving family. It would have a father who actually would love it and a brother who sings lullabies, plays and would teach so many things to that baby.

"I am sorry for ever thinking of not having you. My love could never be partial towards you or Veer. Thinking that means doubting my love for both of you. And if my birth mother who had gone through so much gave me a chance to live, how can I snatch that right away from you? And that too when I do want you." I say as I caress my belly.

"Mumma." Veer yells out before entering the room and I wipe the tears.

"Veer, come here." I say and he runs in and behind him is the maid.

I wave her that it's okay and she leaves. Veer tries to climb the bed and struggles with it. Instead of helping him, I encourage him and when he gets on the bed he squeals in happiness and jumps on the bed.

"Vee win! Vee win!" Veer says, then shows me the thing he is carrying in his hand.

"What is it, Veer?" I ask as I wrap my arms around him.

"Dawing." He says seriously.

"Oh really. At least my son has my talents." I say and kiss his head.

"So who are they?" I ask.

"Mumma." He says pointing at white one.

"Okay. Although I look more like a ghost, I am relieved you won't be scared of them. And also white is my favorite color." I say.

"Dadda, Vee, Pia." He says pointing at blue, green and pink figures.

"Hmm... Nice one, son." I say and he claps his hand.

We talked for a few minutes, him in his cute way and me understanding his words. Then he falls asleep right there. As I caress his head, a smile comes to my face.

"Priya doesn't count. So Veer you are the first one to know that your Mumma is going to give an early birthday gift. Possibly a brother or a sister. I hope you choose a good color for him or her." I say and kiss his head.

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