36. Staying Strong.

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***Shaurya's POV.***

"Mayra, please eat this. You have to take your medicine too." I say as I hold the spoon containing her favorite rajma chawal, which I made for her.

"No, Shaurya." She says and turns away in bed.

"Please, Mayra." I say as I put the plate away.

"Did you eat anything?" She asks me looking at me accusingly and I look away, "You didn't. Because we both are worried if our son has eaten anything yet or not. Did he sleep or not? Is he crying out for us?"

"Mayra, please don't do this to yourself." I say and take her in my arms.

"I am so lost, Shaurya. I can't help but think about him every second." She says.

"Me too." I say and sigh, "But we have to gather ourselves. Don't we want to bring him home?"

"Yes. I want him here in my arms calling me Mumma, cute, pwetty, silly even." She says with a chuckle, "I miss him so much that it hurts."

"I know. But to bring him back you have to get your strength back and for that you have to eat. So please eat for Veer. Please." I say and after a few seconds she nods.

She takes two bites when her Dadi enters the bedroom and says, "You go, Shaurya. Raj wants to speak with you. I will be here with Mayra."

"Thanks, Dadi Ji." I say and give her Mayra medicines too.

She pats my shoulder and goes to Mayra who puts her head on her lap and starts crying. I can't bear to see her like this so I go out. After taking a few deep breaths, I went down to meet my new lawyer. I fired the previous person and also filed a complaint against him.

"Shaurya, meet my friend's daughter Mrs. Nandita Roy and Nandita he is my Shaurya, Mayra's husband." Dada Ji says.

"Hi! Please have a seat." I say and she nods.

We all sat around in the living room. Dad sits beside me and says, "Nandita Ji, we want Veer back. He is a baby and I know Priya is his birth mother but Veer considers Mayra his mother and it would be cruel for things to change so suddenly. I am worried Veer would not be able to adjust and might get sick because of it."

"I know your concerns, Daksh Ji. But we have to do everything legally so as it won't create any hurdle in the case. As per what Raj uncle said, I already made an appeal for Veer to live here and we would get the result the day after tomorrow. Shaurys and Mayra just have to be present at the court tomorrow and Veer would be there too. As soon as the judge sees that Veer needs his parents, he will order to send him back to home. Then we will focus on the custody case." Nandita Ji says and I nod. We discuss a few more details before she gets up to leave.

"Thank you, Nandita Ji." I say.

"Stay strong. Everything will be alright." She says and pats my shoulder.

"Thank you, Dada Ji." I say and hug him.

"I love Mayra a lot and can't bear to see tears in her eyes. And through her I have come to love Veer too. He is my first great grandson and I would do everything I could to get him back to his mother and father." Dada Ji says and I nod.

"I should tell Mayra about this." I say and go up.

Dadi Ji has just come out with the plate and says, "She ate and took medicine. She asked me to make sure you eat something too. So I am telling Kavya to prepare a plate for you. Come down and eat it. Okay?"

"I will." I say and go in.

Mayra is lying on the bed as she holds Veer's favorite toy elephant 'Mushu' close to her heart. She looks at me and says, "I can't separate myself from this. But I will send it to him soon."

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